proto-proposal: equity court
AI: 1.7


Enact a power=1.7 rule with title "Equity Cases" and text

      There is a subclass of judicial case known as an equity case.
      An equity case's purpose is to correct a potential injustice in
      the operation of a particular contract.  An equity case CAN be
      initiated by any party to the contract, by announcement which
      clearly identifies the contract, the set of parties to the
      contract, and a state of affairs whereby events have not
      proceeded as envisioned by the contract (such as, but not
      limited to, a party acting in contravention of eir contractual

      The initiation of an equity case begins its pre-trial phase.
      During the pre-trial phase, the case requires a judge.  In the
      pre-trial phase the judge SHALL as soon as possible inform all
      the contracting parties of the case and invite them to submit
      arguments regarding the equitability of the situation.  The
      pre-trial phase ends one week after the parties have been so
      informed, or immediately when all parties have announced that
      they wish to terminate the pre-trial phase.

      The parties to the contract are all unqualified to be assigned
      as judge of the case.

      An equity case has a judicial question on equation, which is
      applicable at all times following the pre-trial phase.  The
      valid judgements for this question are the possible agreements
      that the parties could make that would be governed by the rules.
      A judgement is appropriate if and only if it is a reasonably
      equitable resolution of the the situation at hand with respect
      to the matters raised in the initiation of the case and by the
      parties in the course of the case.

      When an applicable question on equation in an equity case has a
      judgement, and has had that judgement continuously for the past
      week, the judgement is in effect as a binding agreement between
      the parties.  In this role it is subject to modification or
      termination by the usual processes governing binding agreements.

      An appeal concerning any assignment of judgement in an equity
      case within the past week, other than an assignment caused by a
      judgement in an appeal case, CAN be initiated by any party to
      the contract in question by announcement.



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