Zefram wrote:

Ed Murphy wrote:


Google and Wikipedia both say no.

              (S, sing. sheqel) are a measure of each player's
     ability to gerrymander the redistricting process.

I dislike the "are a measure of" wording.  The important bit here is
that they're items that players can possess, but describing them as
"a measure" doesn't express that.

This gets into the attribute vs. possession debate.

     Each S has exactly one color (Gray if not otherwise

Colour is specified for all VCs that currently exist and for all new
VCs being created, and you don't change that for sheqelim.  The "Gray"
bootstrapping clause is irrelevant now.

It's a safety clause, in case a future proposal accidentally omits
a color.

(various corrections incorporated into a fix proto)

                           If the proposal received no AGAINST votes,
          its author gains one Zinnwaldite S.

I think this should be a separate list item.

It's a proposal award, it goes with the proposal award.

> And why the aversion to primary colours?

All three primary colors are already in use.  Zinnwaldite is the only
color I found that starts with the same letter as Zeitgeist.

       c) When a player submits a judgement on veracity or culpability,

I wish you'd propose these small changes (this, minimum EVLOP, Zeitgeist)
separately, so that we can choose them independent of each other and
independent of the district terminology.

This is arguably a bug fix.  Do you really intend a player who judges a
criminal case GUILTY to receive a second salary for sentencing?

       c) A player may spend two S of different colors to decrease
          another player's state's planned districts by one.

Not clear on whether planned districts can go to zero.  Not helped by
the duality (again) of treating "planned districts" both as objects and
as a number.

Planned districts are not objects, and can go negative (but districts
remain subject to the district minimum).

       d) A player may spend three S of different colors to decrease
          another player's state's planned districts by ten percent.

Can planned districts be non-integral?  Surely half a district is just
a smaller district, and you can't very well plan to do something that's
categorically impossible.

See above.

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