Zefram wrote:

>> 5124 AGAINST
> What's the problem with proper disinterest?  Having the penalty apply
> to disinterested proposals provides a perverse incentive for people
> to vote on disinterested proposals contrary to their actual opinion of
> the proposal.  That's what disinterest is meant to avoid.

I don't think the incentive at that end of the scale is strong
enough to worry about very often.  I'll mull it over while the
voting period continues to count down.

>> 5137 FOR
> I'm even more surprised that the anti-MMI voters object to greater
> explication in an already-MMIed rule.

Your choice of quoting caused some players (comex and myself, at
least) to think that you were pushing "CAN <x> and SHALL <y>"
even when <y> = <x>.  (The unchanged and unquoted portion of the
sentence led to <y> = "<x> ASAP".)

>> 5138 FOR
> After I submitted this, I recalled (to my embarrassment) that some
> months ago I described "Support Democracy" as a temporary provision.
> It's only there to stop ladder scams.  But we haven't done much about
> ladder scams since then, and on reflection "Support Democracy" *is*
> a more democratic version of the pre-existing veto.  Roll on the day
> when we don't need *any* veto provision.

I was concerned that "Support Democracy" would be used routinely by
people with low EVLOP, thus making high EVLOP useless.  This hasn't
happened, but I would still support amending it to say that it SHALL
only be used to prevent ladder scams.

("Ladder scam" = "Ordinary Proposal that scams a bug to touch the
Power >= 2 rules", correct?)

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