Zefram wrote:
> It is, of course, true that because the Primo charter is a binding
> agreement governed by Agoran law the rules of Agora could modify it
> arbitrarily.

I am not finding anything that allows this under the current ruleset,
and arguably R101(v) actually prevents it, especially as agreements
are now allowed to include "persons" who are not players.  The proposal
process is only considered protective of player's rights to consent
to changes in the rules, not agreements in general (R1503), and the
passage of a proposal does not sufficiently guarantee that persons
who are not players have had the reasonable opportunity to review the
change, as R101(v) requires.

Of course it's true that arbitrary modifications to Agoran rules could
lead to a ruleset which would allow Agora to make arbitrary changes to
agreements, but that's not relevant. 


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