Proto:  We Agree to Rules

 An alternative to simply downgrading R1503, feel free to use.
 Makes "abide by the rules" less legal sounding, more prominent.

Change the title of R1503 to "The Ruleset".

Amend R1503 to read:

      The Ruleset is a binding agreement between all players, 
      entered into by every player as a part of becoming a player. 

      The proposal, fora, and registration processes shall, prima
      facie, be considered to be protective of a Player's rights and
      privileges with respect to making and changing the agreement to
      be bound by the rules.

The rest is removable, as it is directly implied by the above
two sentences. It is now concise and powerful enough to be kept
at power 3.

It is hereby recommended that the Rulekeepor move R1503 to the
category "The Game of Agora".


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