Ed Murphy wrote:
>      A sentencing order is a judicial order directed at the defendant
>      of a lawsuit in eir role as defendant.

Terminology doesn't match up here.  In legal theory, sentencing is only
applicable in criminal cases.  The way you define "lawsuit" includes
civil cases.  I think you actually intend "criminal lawsuit" here.

>      or if e was deregistered for lawlessness.

Tanget: it just occurred to me that our "deregistered for lawlessness"
penalty bears considerable resemblance to the old common law concept
of outlawry.  The latter was approximately (but not exactly) a judicial
revocation of personhood: an outlaw categorically had no standing to sue,
killing an outlaw was categorically not murder, and so on.  I'd suggest
developing lawlessness in such a direction, if we ever used it.


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