Zefram wrote:

Ed Murphy wrote:

Amend Rule 1742 (Agreements) to read:

You're removing all the civil remedies.  Is that intended?  If so,
you may as well drop the "Civil CFJ" terminology.

To clarify:  Currently, rule violations are punished by Rule 1504
(and/or Rule 1742 since the Rules are treated as an agreement),
while agreement violations are punished by Rule 1742.  Under this
proposal, rule violations would still be punished by Rule 1504,
while agreement violations would count as a violation of Rule 1742.

Note that Rule 1504 (3) and (4) state "highest-powered Rule that
was broken", so double-counting rule violations as also being a
violation of the Power=1 Rule 1742 isn't a problem in that respect.

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