proto-proposal: simplify veto AI: 2 {{{
Amend rule 2019 to read The Speaker may veto an Ordinary Proposal in its voting period by announcement. Quorum for a vetoed proposal is positive infinity, other rules governing quorum notwithstanding. The Speaker may rubberstamp an Ordinary Proposal in its voting period by announcement. Quorum for a rubberstamped proposal is three, other rules governing quorum notwithstanding. [Makes the veto work in all cases, in the same manner in which rubberstamping works. Removes the provision about vetoed proposals going back into the proposal pool, because under the present system it is easy to repropose with a different AI.] Retitle rule 2019 to "Speaker's Veto and Rubber Stamp". [Describe both halves of the rule.] }}} -zefram