Maud wrote: > How temporary should it be? Only until the current state of emergency has passed.
(by temporary, I meant "temporary way of killing a proposal until we fixed abortion" not a temporary power). > What is the real role of the Speaker? A true prize for winning the game; I'd suggest the best prize is greater impact on the Ruleset for the next game (e.g. greater voice on proposals). I'd personally like to see different Speakers impart different "flavors" to their regimes. Maybe a little like FRC, but more like past Agora; for example, when Speaker lee said e would "as a matter of policy, make all oligarchic proposals democratic" which was a speaker's power at the time. A secondary benefit would be emergency powers for killing bad proposals/invasions/scams. The problem, of course, is if the speaker regularly uses eir powers to promote every scam that comes along with eir powers. Of course, that's part of a regime's flavor... -Goethe