Here is a version of "Generalize Dependent Actions" which attempts to
include the adoption of proposals under its umbrella.  Rather than
getting rid of the Promotor and Assessor, I allow a player to
distribute a proposal on eir own if e wants and have the Promotor do
it if nobody else does.

There are still some sketchy things.  In particular, the effect of
time limit needs to be clearly stated somewhere.

I found four rules to repeal, some of them by incorporating the
essential part of the rule in a more appropriate place.

Protoproposal h0138 (AI=2)
Generalize Dependent Actions

The provisions of this (proto)proposal are nonseverable.

Section 0.  Basic definitions.

Change the title of rule 693 (Agoran Decisions) to
"Collective Action".

Amend rule 693 to read:

     An action is collective if and only if the rules so indicate.

     The default voting period for a collective action is one week.

     The default time limit for a collective action is

     (a) fourteen days, if the action is not the adoption of a
         proposal; or

     (b) forever and a day, if the action is the adoption of a

Change the title of rule 1728 (Dependent Actions) to
"Classes of Collective Actions".

Amend rule 1728 to read:

     The following classes of collective actions are defined:

     (a) actions with N supporters, for which the required support is
         a nonnegative integer N, the maximum objection count is
         Unanimity, and the adoption index is zero;

     (b) actions without N objections, for which the required support
         is zero, the maximum objection count is a positive integer
         N, the adoption index is zero, and the voting period is four

     (c) actions with Agoran consent, for which the required support
         is one, the maximum objection count is Unanimity, the
         adoption index is one, and the voting period is four days;

     (d) adopting a proposal, for which the required support is one,
         the maximum objection count is Unanimity, and the adoption
         index is the adoption index of the proposal.

     An action with support is an action with one supporter, and an
     action without objection is an action without one objection.

Change the title of rule 107 (Initiating Agoran Decisions) to
"Intent to Perform a Collective Action".

Amend rule 107 to read:

     A notice of intent to perform a collective action is a document
     which unambiguously describes an action and sets out the intent
     to perform the action.  The notice is valid if and only if

     (a) the rules authorise the author to publish the notice;

     (b) in combination, the rules and the notice explicitly state
         the support index, objection index, and adoption index for
         the action; and

     (c) the notice satisfies any other requirements placed upon it
         by other rules.

[This will be reworded to talk about collective actions.]
     An actor can announce intent to perform a dependent action only
     by publishing a valid notice of intent to that effect.  The
     voting period for a dependent action begins when a valid notice
     of intent to perform the action is published.

Change the title of rule 208 (Resolving Agoran decisions) to
"Performing Collective Actions".

Amend rule 208 to read:

     A notice of collective action is a document which unambiguously
     describes a collective action and clearly indicates that the
     author performs it.  The notice is valid if and only if

     (a) one of the following is true:

         (1) the actor announced intent to perform exactly that

         (2) the actor is an office required to perform the action if
             it is approved, and another office announced and was
             required to announce intent to perform exactly that
             action; or

         (3) the entity required to perform the action has not yet
             performed it, at least seven days have passed since the
             end of the voting period for the action, and the actor
             has announced that e takes up the role of vote collector
             for the action;

     (b) either

         (1) the voting period for the action has ended or

         (2) the action is an action with N supporters;

[clarify when time limit begins]
     (c) the time limit for performing the action has not yet passed;

     (d) the action is approved.

     An actor can perform a collective action by publishing a valid
     notice of collective action.  An actor who could perform an
     action either as a regular action or as a collective action need
     not perform it as a collective action.

     A rule authorising the performance of a collective action may
     restrict the eligibility of players to support or object to that
     specific action.

Change the title of rule 683 (Voting on Agoran Decisions) to
"How to Vote".

Amend rule 683 to read:

     A player casts a vote on a particular collective action by
     announcement.  During the voting period, a player may retract a
     vote e cast by announcement.

     A vote on a collective action is valid if

     (a) the player casting the vote is active at the time e casts

     (b) the vote was cast during the voting period for the action;

     (c) the vote can be clearly interpreted as being FOR (or
         supporting), being AGAINST (or objecting to), or ABSTAINing
         from supporting or objecting to the action;

     (d) the vote has not been retracted; and

     (e) the number of unretracted votes submitted by that player on
         that action is strictly less than that player's voting limit
         on that action.

Amend rule 955 (Determining the Will of Agora) to read:

     Each collective action has a support index, an objection index,
     a present index, and a voting index.  The values of these
     indices for a particular action are set when the voting period
     for the action ends and cannot be changed, not even if you ask

     The support index is the number of valid votes supporting the
     action.  The objection index is the number of valid votes
     objecting to the action.

     The present index is the number of distinct players who voted on
     the action.  An action achieves quorum if the present index is
     at least the quorum for that action.

     The voting index for an action is

     (a) zero, if the support index is zero;

     (b) Unanimity, if the support index is positive and the
         objection index is zero; or

     (c) the ratio of the support index to the objection index, if
         neither index is zero.

     An action is approved if

     (a) it achieves quorum;

     (b) its support index meets or exceeds its required support;

     (c) its objection index is strictly less than its maximum
         objection count; and

     (d) its voting index meets or exceeds its adoption index.

     An action that is not approved is rejected.

Amend rule 1950 (Voting Limits) to read:

[This default should be one for lively players]
     The voting limit for an entity on a collective action is set
     when the voting period for the action begins, defaulting to

     The voting limit of a lively player on a democratic proposal is

     The voting limit of a lively player on an ordinary proposal is
     one if not explicitly modified by other rules.

     The voting limit of an active player that is not lively is one
     less than it would be if the player were lively.

Amend rule 879 (Quorum) to read:

     The quorum for a collective action is set when its voting period
     begins, and is modified only when the rules indicate that it is

     The default quorum for adopting a proposal is the maximum of

     (a) one and

     (b) one third the number of lively players, rounded up, with
         minimum the minimum of five and the number of lively
         players.  A player is lively if e is active and a natural

     The default quorum for other collective actions is zero.

     If an action does not achieve quorum, it fails quorum.

Amend rule 2034 (Vote Protection and Cutoff for Challenges) to read:

     Any proposal that, as all or part of its effect, would change
     the validity of one or more of a voter's votes on an Agoran
     decision whose voting period has begun but which has not yet
     been resolved shall be wholly without effect, any rule to the
     contrary notwithstanding.

     Once a collective action has been approved or rejected, no votes
     on that action may be validly cast or retracted, and the outcome
     of the action may not be changed in any way, any rule to the
     contrary notwithstanding.  Nothing in this rule shall be
     construed as preventing the correction of errors in reporting
     the performance of a collective action.

     If the approval or rejection of a collective action is not
     publicly contested within one week from the time the result is
     announced, then the announced result is the true result of that
     decision, even if it would otherwise be in error.

Section 1.

Amend rule 106 (Adopting Proposals) to read:

     A proposal is a document outlining changes to be made to Agora,
     including enacting, repealing, or amending rules, or making
     other explicit changes to the gamestate.

     A player submits a proposal by publishing it with a clear
     indication that it is intended to become a proposal, which
     places the proposal in the Proposal Pool.  The proposer of a
     proposal may remove it from the Pool by announcement.

     Adopting a proposal is a collective action, as described
     elsewhere.  The adoption index of a proposal is a positive
     integer multiple of 0.1, defaulting to 1.  Before a proposal is
     distributed, its proposer may modify its adoption index by
     announcement.  A proposal with an adoption index of 1 is
     ordinary.  All other proposals are democratic.

     If a proposal is adopted, then unless other rules prevent it
     then the proposal is adopted, and unless other rules prevent it
     from taking effect, its power is set to the minimum of four and
     its adoption index, and then it takes effect.  It does not
     otherwise take effect.  This rule takes precedence over any rule
     which would permit a proposal to take effect.

     It must always be possible to adopt a proposal within a 4 week
     period.  Any change to the game state which would result in this
     condition becoming false is cancelled and does not take place,
     any rule to the contrary notwithstanding.

Amend rule 1607 (The Promotor) to read:

     The Promotor is an office; e is responsible for receiving and
     distributing proposals.

     Any player is permitted to distribute a proposal in the Proposal
     Pool.  During each week, the Promotor must if possible
     distribute each proposal that was in the Pool at the beginning
     of the week.

     A player legally distributes a proposal by publishing it
     together with a notice of intent to adopt the proposal.
     Whenever a proposal is distributed, it is removed from the Pool.
     That player must adopt the proposal if it is approved and
     announce that is is rejected, including a tally of the votes, if
     it is rejected.

     If the Promotor publishes a valid notice of intent to adopt a
     proposal, the duty of adopting the proposal or announcing its
     rejection devolves upon the Assessor.

     The player distributing a proposal shall include with the
     distribution of that proposal the identity of its proposer, the
     proposal's coauthors, if any, and its adoption index.  However,
     failure to include any of these with a proposal does not deprive
     the distribution of the proposal of any legal effect.

Amend rule 2137 (The Assessor) to read:

     The Assessor is an office; e holder is responsible for
     collecting votes and keeping track of related properties.

     The Assessor is the default vote collector for a proposal
     distributed by the Promotor.

     The Assessor's report shall include

     (a) each player's voting limit on ordinary proposals and

     (b) each player's voting credits.

Amend rule 2019 (The Speaker's Veto) by replacing the text reading:

     set to the current number of eligible voters on that proposal
     plus one, other rules governing quorum notwithstanding.

with text reading:

     set to the current number of players plus one, other rules
     governing quorum notwithstanding.

Section 2. Repeals.

Repeal rule 1698 (The Proposal System Is Protected).

Repeal rule 2117 (Replacing the Vote Collector).

Repeal rule 2124 (Agoran Consent).

Repeal rule 2127 (Conditional Votes).

C. Maud Image (Michael Slone)
Whooops! Free Kudos!
               -- Manu, in agora-discussion

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