I am soliciting comments on the following proto-proposal:
Currency AI: 1 Create a new rule titled "Property" with Power 1 and the text: { A Property Owning Entity (hereafter POE) is a type of entity. POEs may own other entities called Properties. All Properties must be owned by a POE. If a Property is ever not owned by a POE, it ceases to exist. The POE that owns a Property has the sole right to act upon and use that Property in the manner the rules allow. No POE may act upon or use a Property that it does not own. A Property may only have one owner. Property ownership may not be divided among multiple POEs. An entity may never be both a POE and a Property. Properties may not be created or destroyed except as the rules specify. Specific types of Properties may be either fungible or non-fungible. All registered Players are POEs. } Create a new rule titled "Property Transfer" with Power 1 and the text: { Any POE may transfer one or more Properties they own to another POE by making a "Transfer Notice" announcement to the Public Forum. This Transfer Notice must clearly identify the following information: * The name of the POE who owns the Property or Properties in question * The name of the POE who will receive the Property or Properties in question * Each Property to be transferred as part of this notice When a Transfer Notice is properly posted to the Public Forum, the following occur simultaneously: * Each Property identified in the Transfer Notice ceases to be owned by it's current owner POE. * Each Property identified in the Transfer Notice becomes owned by the POE identified as receiving the transfer The process of tranferring Property from one POE to another is known as Payment. If a rule states that a POE may pay a specified type and amount of property, then that POE may do so by Transfer Notice, but is not obligated to. If a rule states that a POE must pay a specified type and amount of property, then that POE must do so as soon as possible by Transfer Notice. Failure to do so constitutes a violation of the rules. If a rule states that a POE pays a specified type and amount of property, then that property is transferred to the designated receiving POE automatically, as if it's owner had posted a valid Transfer Notice initiating such an action. } Create a new rule titled "Secretary of the Treasury" with Power 1 and the text: { There exists an Office titled "Secretary of the Treasury". The holder of this office is responsible for tracking Properties and POEs. The Secretary of the Treasury's report shall include: * A list of each POE and the Properties it owns. * A summary of all events involving the creation, destruction, or transfer of Property since the last published Secretary of the Treasury report } Create a new rule titled "Currency" with Power 1 and the text: { Currency is a fungible type of Property. One unit of Currency is known as an Agoran Dollar. Currency may be referenced using the dollar sign ($). } When this Proposal passes, $10,000 shall be created and given to each registered Player who is a natural person, and $1,000 shall be created and given to each registered Player who is a non-natural person.