Proto-Proposal - "Partnerships with all the fixin's"

If the following text exists within the ruleset, delete it

"  (f) The term "person" shall mean "natural person or
          partnership of natural persons"

if a rule with the following text does not exist, create a rule entitled "Limited Partnerships" with said text

If a partnership contains exactly the same members as
      another registered partnership, then it is prohibited
      from registering.

      If a registered partnership's membership changes such
      that it contains exactly the same members as another
      registered partnership, then it is deregistered.

Add the following to the rule entitled "Limited Partnerships"

   Any partnership that has at least one non-natural player as
   a member may be derigestered with Natural Agoran Consent.

add the following to R 2124
   For the purposes of determining Natural Agoran Consent
   only Natural persons are considered players.

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