Roger Hicks wrote:
>To take the concept of Partnerships to the next level,

Interesting.  I've been wondering about the potential for partnerships
to become internally nomic-like, but the Pineapple-style agreement is
sufficiently lightweight that it wouldn't naturally tend towards such
a result.  I think your corporation concept has enough internal structure
to develop an internal game.

Incidentally, I've come to realise that the legal structure we
discovered/constructed for partnerships in some respects resembles
real-life corporations more than real-life partnerships.  It's definitely
a hybrid, and there's some room for variation.  What you've written
is closer to the corporate end of the spectrum, whereas the Pineapple
Partnership is (by design) much closer to a RL partnership.

>                                        I also want to make sure that it
>complies with the law of Agora,

I think it'll mostly work as you intend.  There are a couple of things
that should be added:

* The charter refers to Primo Corporation, but never defines it.  That was
  the point of clause 2 of the Pineapple agreement.  In splitting it up
  (parts in Primo clauses 2 and 3) you lost the construction "... shall
  jointly act as a partnership".  It's best to make that explicit.

* Clause 6 says that changes to the charter can be proposed, and other
  clauses govern voting, but nothing actually says that the proposed
  changes happen if voted for.  This should be explicit, in a separate

* The charter doesn't define the mechanism by which officers act on
  behalf of the corporation.  You just need to explicate that they do
  so by posting to the PF making it clear that they're acting for the


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