On 5/8/07, Benjamin Schultz <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
4958   | Improved Turn Radius        | Murphy    | 1  | 30Apr07 | O
4959   | Bears as Threats            | OscarMeyr | 1  | 30Apr07 | O
4960   | Patch of the Return of t... | OscarMeyr | 1  | 01May07 | O
4961   | no VCs for Democratic pr... | Zefram    | 3  | 05May07 | D
4962   | more mutability for VCs     | Zefram    | 3  | 05May07 | D
4963   | mostly-random judicial a... | Zefram    | 1* | 05May07 | D
4964   | Disambiguate voter eligi... | Murphy    | 3  | 06May07 | D
4965   | The Standing Court          | Murphy    | 1  | 06May07 | O
4966   | initialise activity         | Zefram    | 1* | 07May07 | D
4967   | report activity             | Zefram    | 1* | 07May07 | D
4968   | precedence takes precedence | Zefram    | 4  | 07May07 | D
4969   | fix judicial turns          | Zefram    | 1  | 08May07 | O

I submit the following ballots:

4958 FOR
4959 FOR

Proposal 4963 by Zefram, AI=1.1, Democratic
mostly-random judicial assignments

Change the Power of rule 2126 to 2.


I hereby submit the following proposal, titled "mostly-random judicial
assignments", and set its AI to 1.1:


Enact a rule titled "Policy on Judicial Assignments" with text:

      When the Clerk of the Courts must choose a Trial Judge, e
      shall choose randomly.  The Clerk of the Courts may, without
      objection, replace this requirement with some other means of
      choice for a particular CFJ.

      This rule does not affect which entities are eligible to judge
      a particular CFJ.  This rule takes precedence over other rules
      governing the selection between eligible entities for Trial

      The Clerk of the Courts can cause this rule to repeal itself,
      without 4 objections.

[This formalises Goethe's announced policy.  The second sentence allows
for exceptions, such as I have advocated for particularly tricky CFJs,
by general consent; this arrangement is flexible enough to allow a
completely non-random choice or a random choice among a shortlist.
The final paragraph provides an abbreviated procedure to end the policy,
when no longer thought necessary; 4 objections is what the would-be
Oligarchs can trivially muster.]

I comment that this does not look like the intended proposal, since it
repeats proposal 4962.

C. Maud Image (Michael Slone)
What on earth was I doing up at midnight on 30 June 1993?  Getting
Agora started I guess :-)
               -- Michael, in agora-business

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