On 5/8/07, Benjamin Schultz <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
4958 | Improved Turn Radius | Murphy | 1 | 30Apr07 | O 4959 | Bears as Threats | OscarMeyr | 1 | 30Apr07 | O 4960 | Patch of the Return of t... | OscarMeyr | 1 | 01May07 | O 4961 | no VCs for Democratic pr... | Zefram | 3 | 05May07 | D 4962 | more mutability for VCs | Zefram | 3 | 05May07 | D 4963 | mostly-random judicial a... | Zefram | 1* | 05May07 | D 4964 | Disambiguate voter eligi... | Murphy | 3 | 06May07 | D 4965 | The Standing Court | Murphy | 1 | 06May07 | O 4966 | initialise activity | Zefram | 1* | 07May07 | D 4967 | report activity | Zefram | 1* | 07May07 | D 4968 | precedence takes precedence | Zefram | 4 | 07May07 | D 4969 | fix judicial turns | Zefram | 1 | 08May07 | O
I submit the following ballots: 4958 FOR 4959 FOR 4960 PRESENT 4964 AGAINST 4968 AGAINST
Proposal 4963 by Zefram, AI=1.1, Democratic mostly-random judicial assignments Change the Power of rule 2126 to 2. }}} I hereby submit the following proposal, titled "mostly-random judicial assignments", and set its AI to 1.1: {{{ Enact a rule titled "Policy on Judicial Assignments" with text: When the Clerk of the Courts must choose a Trial Judge, e shall choose randomly. The Clerk of the Courts may, without objection, replace this requirement with some other means of choice for a particular CFJ. This rule does not affect which entities are eligible to judge a particular CFJ. This rule takes precedence over other rules governing the selection between eligible entities for Trial Judge. The Clerk of the Courts can cause this rule to repeal itself, without 4 objections. [This formalises Goethe's announced policy. The second sentence allows for exceptions, such as I have advocated for particularly tricky CFJs, by general consent; this arrangement is flexible enough to allow a completely non-random choice or a random choice among a shortlist. The final paragraph provides an abbreviated procedure to end the policy, when no longer thought necessary; 4 objections is what the would-be Oligarchs can trivially muster.]
I comment that this does not look like the intended proposal, since it repeats proposal 4962. -- C. Maud Image (Michael Slone) What on earth was I doing up at midnight on 30 June 1993? Getting Agora started I guess :-) -- Michael, in agora-business