Proto-Proposal: Mother, May I? (AI = 3, please) Create a rule titled "Mother, May I?" with Power 3 and this text:
The following terms are defined: 1. CANNOT (syn. IMPOSSIBLE, INEFFECTIVE, INVALID) Attempts to perform the described action are unsuccessful. 2. MUST NOT (syn. MAY NOT, SHALL NOT, ILLEGAL, PROHIBITED) Attempts to perform the described action are successful, but violate the rules. 3. SHOULD NOT (syn. DISCOURAGED, DEPRECATED) Attempts to perform the described action are successful, but the full implications should be understood and carefully weighed before doing so. 4. CAN X ONLY IF Y Equivalent to CANNOT X UNLESS Y. Similarly for the other terms. This takes precedence over the following cases. 5. MUST (syn. SHALL, REQUIRED) Failure to perform the described action violates the rules. 6. SHOULD The full implications should be understood and carefully weighed before failing to perform the action. [And let the scams begin!]