On 4/19/07, Benjamin Schultz <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
4930   | Simple VC win               | Goethe    | 1* | 02Apr07 | D
4931   | Herald to advertise         | Zefram    | 1  | 04Apr07 | O
4932   | Clarifying Excess CFJs      | Levi      | 1  | 05Apr07 | O
4933   | constrained refusal of e... | Zefram    | 1  | 05Apr07 | O
4934   | Herald's report defines ... | Zefram    | 1  | 03Apr07 | O
4935   | Return of the Contests      | Murphy    | 1  | 11Apr07 | O
4936   | Agoran Chromodynamics       | Murphy    | 3  | 11Apr07 | D
4937   | Good form should be sugg... | Murphy    | 1  | 11Apr07 | O
4938   | Paragraphs                  | Murphy    | 2  | 11Apr07 | D
4939   | Re-divide some offices      | Murphy    | 3  | 12Apr07 | D
4940   | instrument mechanics        | Zefram    | 3  | 13Apr07 | D

I submit the following ballots:

4931  PRESENT  (There's a MediaWiki set up just for Agora Nomic, too...)

4932  AGAINST  <--  (I've missed some discussion.  Aren't these
4933  AGAINST  <--   attempting to do basically the same thing?)


4935  FOR      (Why ``contentiousness''?  I mean, I know why, but why?)
4936  FOR      (But you should have Red + Yellow = Mellow.)


4938  AGAINST  (I don't like the definition of ``paragraph'', and we
               ought to change ``number'' to mean ``rational number''.)

4939  PRESENT  (IADoP should be promoted to ``Director of Personnel''.)

4940  FOR

C. Maud Image (Michael Slone)
I move to OVERTURN and REASSIGN, in agreement with the Appellant's
arguments, little good it may do. But at least I get to be contrary.
               -- The Goddess Eris, in agora-business

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