== The following message is brought to you by the "this == is why we repealed cards" sub-committee.
The only cards fitting into that category were "drawn" from The Library in error were drawn on 13-Jul-2005 as follows (all times GMT): 13-Jul 05:55 Fate transfers Enforced Charity to The Library (chao) Fate transfers Discard Picking to The Library (chao) 13-Jul 07:23 The Library transfers Enforced Charity to root (checked out) The Library transfers Discard Picking to root (checked out) That gives us two cards, Enforced Charity, and Discard Picking, which everyone thought root held, but e really didn't, because they hadn't been in The Library long enough. How did they affect the game? So they stayed in The Library, in reality. What did root try to do with them? Well... Following Enforced Charity gives: 18-Jul 18:14 root plays Enforced Charity (Names Maud) 19-Jul 23:38 Maud transfers Charity Brings Happiness to root (ok) So when Maud gave Charity Brings Happiness to root to avoid punishment, that punishment wasn't actually due. However, Maud's transfer is a transfer, and that takes care of that card. Effect on current game: 0. The Discard Picking card stayed in play for a while, until: 15-Dec 21:07 root plays Discard Picking (names Presto!) Discard Pile transfers Presto! to root (picked!) So now, it's the Presto! which we thought was in root's hand, but really stayed in the discard pile. What happened to the Presto? Well, another Chaos Apple stepped in: 20-Dec 14:13 OscarMeyr plays Chaos Apple (ok) root transfers Presto! to Fate (Chao) Now, this would have two consequences. First, whomever Fate gave the Presto! to, wouldn't really have it, and second the last card dealt to root to replace Presto! wouldn't have been dealt. Those are: Fate transfers Presto! to OscarMeyr (Chao) Fate transfers Rebel Rabble to root (Chao) So now we need to follow both Presto! and Rebel Rabble. The errors expand. What next? root thought e had two Rebel Rabble, e only had one, when the proletariat came to a boil: 21-Dec 01:02 root plays Rebel Rabble (ok) root plays Rebel Rabble (ok) So one of these plays was in error. Did it doom the rebellion? Let's see: OscarMeyr wrote: > I used the random number generator at www.random.org to generate a > number from 1 to 11. The rebellion succeeds on a result of 1 to 13. > > The result is: 7 > > The rebellion succeeds!!! Knowing one of the Rebel Rabbles was illegal reduces the chance of success of rebellion from 118% to 109%. Obviously, the popular rebellion still succeeded. Now it remains to follow that Presto! card, for which we have: 14-Mar 23:38 OscarMeyr discards Presto! (ok) Phew! Effect on current game: 0. But wait, you say! This follows the effect of playing the cards that root dealt, but doesn't cover the effect of assuming they're in the Discard Pile (wrong) instead of safely tucked away in the library (right). Well, the effect is that library shelves we thought were empty were in fact full, so the following two deals didn't occur: 19-Jul 23:30 Thieves in the Night dealt to The Library Absolv-o-Matic dealt to The Library One of these, we thought, sat in the library until: 16-Dec 21:32 Destroyed The Library's copy of Thieves in the Night (ok) The other was thrown into the same Chaos Hopper as follows: 20-Dec 14:13 The Library transfers Absolv-o-Matic to Fate (Chao) Fate transfers Absolv-o-Matic to Eris (Chao) which bit the dust on: 7-Feb 20:10 Eris discards Absolv-o-Matic (ok) Effect on current game: 0. Of course, what would have happened is those two cards that started it would have been thrown in the Chaos Hopper and dealt to someone. But since no-one knew they had them, no one played them, and they stayed where they were...would they have affected handsize, etc.? Broken chaos entirely? Certainly caused the Deskmastor to break several rules? Something else? Was there a ratification that stabilized things at some point? Who knows! There you have it... no obvious and measurable effect, but perhaps a knock on effect to a random distribution via chaos... but since chaos was resolved using a true and honest quantum effect, I'll consider the case closed for the universe that we happen to be living in. -Goethe