An idea that's been knocking around my head as I've been researching rule history. We're re-enacting some previously-existing concepts, and it seems more economical to do so by resurrecting the old rules rather than by enacting new ones. It'd be nice to have the resulting longer history annotations in the ruleset, properly tracking the history of a concept that's been repealed and re-enacted.
This assumes the passage of "instrument mechanics". A different version could be done in its absence. {{{ Amend rule 105 by appending after the item "(e) change the power of a rule." the item: (f) restore a former rule which is presently not a rule. When restored, the former rule becomes a rule once more. All substantive aspects of the restored rule, other than its power, are identical to what they were at the instant the rule most recently ceased to be a rule. The restored rule has power equal to the minimum of the power specified by the restoring instrument, defaulting to one if the restoring instrument does not specify, and the maximum power permitted by other rules. }}} -zefram