Zefram wrote:
> I suggest that if you want to manage the proposal pool largely
> automatically then the automaton should accept submissions via email.
> You just need to announce "I prefer to receive proposal submissions in
> this format: ...", and program the automaton to parse email messages 
> that match that format. 

I agree with you generally, but I see room for a little middle ground.
For example, on matters which are performed "by submission to the
CotC" or for private votes (which we don't have), the Officer can
let it be known "I will consider clicking this radio button to be
communication with me."  As long as email remains an option for
those who prefer it (mandated by the fact that PF posting is always
communication, and results are posted to the PF regularly (so cheats
can be spotted right away) I don't see why it wouldn't work.


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