For the curious, I've posted some of the oldest rulesets I've found at <>. In addition to the 1993-08-28 ruleset that I pointed at some days ago, there's a fascinating version from 1994-11-22 provided by Vanyel. This version is from when amendment numbers were pretty new and not really assimilated into the culture: the ruleset gives amendment numbers for some rules but not for all. It's also the earliest instance I've seen of the Logical Ruleset arrangement and the modern rule formatting. Strange to think we've been using the same textual format nearly unchanged for over twelve years now; my code written for current rulesets had no trouble parsing the 1994 ruleset.
I've added all these ancient rulesets to my historical database, along with a continuous sequence of posted FLRs and SLRs between 1997-07-01 and 1999-04-30 from Vanyel's archive. That fills nearly half of the gap that there was from 1998-01 to 2001-05. I also have three isolated rulesets within that gap. I've also, in fairly tedious fashion, added data for all the repeals covered by Michael's voting report archive. The rule history file and historical rule text file are both much more extensive from all these additions. -zefram