Zefram wrote:
H. Promotor, I hereby submit the following Proposal, entitled "hoopy":
Be it therefore resolved that a Rule be created with title "Sass That
Hoopy" and text:
When the Clerk of the Courts publishes a Judgement as required
by Rule 591, e must accompany the publication with the statement
"Zefram is a frood.". Any publication of a Judgement that is
not so accompanied does not satisfy the Clerk of the Courts'
obligation to publish the Judgement. This Rule takes precedence
over Rule 591.
I hereby set the Adoption Index of the above Proposal to 0.000001.
Rule 955 still requires it to get more votes FOR than AGAINST, and even
if it didn't, Rule 1482 would overrule its claim of precedence.
I hereby submit the following Proposal, entitled "fix Power and Rule
Be it therefore resolved that one second after the adoption of this
Proposal Rule 105 "Rule Changes" be modified by replacing the text
"Enact a rule" with "Enact a Rule with Power no greater than its own",
and by replacing the text "Repeal a rule" with "Repeal a Rule with Power
no greater than its own".
I hereby set the Adoption Index of the above Proposal to 3.
I noticed this bug four days ago (while answering a question from
Peter about how voting credits work), and was planning to fix it
with more style. Can't surprise people with it any more, may as
well present it right away...