Thanks, but that didn't really answer my question.

Can you please provide a code example showing where to find this 
value? I don't see where this enum is actually used.

On Wednesday, 20 July 2022 at 18:53:04 UTC+2 adsapi wrote:

> Hi Marc,
> Thank you for reaching out to the Google Ads API support team.
> Kindly note that the RESOURCE_EXHAUSTED 
> <>
>  error 
> generally occurs when you are sending too many requests in a short period 
> of time. The server throws this error once it detects that your request has 
> exceeded the system frequency limit. I would recommend setting up short 
> delays between requests or combine more operations in fewer requests.
> Please refer to the Best practices guide 
> <>
>  to 
> optimize the efficiency and performance. Also, this may occur if you have 
> already exceeded the daily limit of 15,000 API operations per day. You may 
> refer to this documentation 
> <>
>  for 
> the quota you need to consider daily when performing requests using the API.
> It says that the basic access level allows the developer token to execute 
> up to 15,000 operational requests per day and 1,000 get operations per day 
> only. However, we would request that you provide the complete request 
> <>
>  and response 
> <>
>  logs, 
> with the request-id 
> <>,
> generated for the RESOURCE_EXHAUSTED error in order to check further. You 
> can enable logging, which you may do so by navigating to the Client 
> libraries > Your client library (ex. Java) > Logging documentation, which 
> you can access from this link 
> <>. 
> Please reply via privately author option. Let me know if you have any 
> questions.
> Thanks,
> [image: Google Logo] 
> Nirmitabahen Gaurav 
> Google Ads API Team 
> ref:_00D1U1174p._5004Q2bm0wl:ref

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