Hi Paco,

Thank you for your questions. You may refer below for my responses :

As for this item "from our understanding, the disapproval doesn't happen on ad 
level for Shopping Ads, but instead on product level. Is this correct?", I 
would recommend that you clarify this instead with the Google Ads Product 
support team, via this link, as they should be more equipped in discussing 
Google Ads policies and on what level they are applied.

What approach would you recommend for getting the approval status of shopping 
ads/products so that we can proactively avoid strikes?

For this item, the details (ad_group_ad.policy_summary.approval_status and 
ad_group_ad.policy_summary.policy_topic_entries) retrieved in the ad_group_ad 
reports should provide the information of the ad level issues of your ad.

As for the product level disapproval details, could you confirm if these are 
also available in the Google Ads UI? If yes, could you share the screenshots so 
our team can further verify its availability?

You may then send the requested information via the Reply privately to author 
option. If this option is not available, you may send the details directly to 
our googleadsapi-supp...@google.com alias instead.

Best regards,

Peter Laurence
Google Ads API Team

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