
The initial problem was that I hit the API limit and received 
*START_INDEX_IS_TOO_HIGH* when retrieving report entries with 
*AdGroupBidModifierServiceInterface* using *Paging*.

To overcome the API limits I'm trying to narrow the result set by adding 
*Predicates*, so I can obtain the whole result set by making multiple calls 
that would each return a smaller chunk, but all put together would be the 
whole set.

This is how my SelectorBuilder looked like initially when hitting the API 
limit, this used to return *1148352* entries:

new SelectorBuilder().fields(
AdGroupBidModifierField.CampaignId, AdGroupBidModifierField.AdGroupId, 
AdGroupBidModifierField.BidModifier, AdGroupBidModifierField.Id)
.greaterThan(AdGroupBidModifierField.BidModifier, 0)

And then I tried splitting the result set in smaller chunks by making 2 
separate calls with different *SelectorBuilders* by adding predicates for 
the BidModifier field:

new SelectorBuilder().fields(
AdGroupBidModifierField.CampaignId, AdGroupBidModifierField.AdGroupId
, AdGroupBidModifierField.BidModifier, AdGroupBidModifierField.Id)
.greaterThan(AdGroupBidModifierField.BidModifier, 0)
.lessThan(AdGroupBidModifierField.BidModifier, 1)

- this works and returns *765568* entries

So the second one that I tried is: 

new SelectorBuilder().fields(
AdGroupBidModifierField.CampaignId, AdGroupBidModifierField.AdGroupId
, AdGroupBidModifierField.BidModifier, AdGroupBidModifierField.Id)
.greaterThan(AdGroupBidModifierField.BidModifier, 1)

- but this one returns *0* entries

I've tried with other Predicates for this BidModifier field but cannot seem 
to figure out which one to use to retrieve the rest of the entries: *382784* 
(1148352 - 765568)
I think that there should be a way to use different predicates to cover all 
the possible filters that together would result in the complete number of 

I think that the missing entries have BidModifier value = 1, because the 
predicates used .greaterThan(AdGroupBidModifierField.BidModifier, 0) and 
.lessThan(AdGroupBidModifierField.BidModifier, 1) for the first selector 
and .greaterThan(AdGroupBidModifierField.BidModifier, 1) for the second one 
are not including BidModifier=1. 
I've tried using *greaterThanEquals* and *lessThanEquals*, or *equals* 
predicates to achieve that, but these are returning 
*INVALID_PREDICATE_OPERATOR*, seems like these cannot be used as predicates 
for the BidModifier field.

Could you please tell me a way to do the filtering differently or what am I 
missing to be able to obtain the entries in batches like I tried? 

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