Good day,

I have Google Adwords .net application that upload offline GCLID data. I have 
to convert that to Google Ads but the parameter. In the Adwords, there was a 
conversion name in the offline conversion feed method but there is no 
conversion name in Ads. There is couple of changes that  I can’t figure out but 
I will attach screenshots and highlight the difference

If you can help me with the difference and what to use in place of the 
conversion name and what values are required for customer ID and conversion 
action ID
The customer ID I have is used as the AdWordsUser of the GoogleAdsClient

Adwords API code

Ads API Code



From: Frank Boateng
Sent: Thursday, April 29, 2021 11:16 AM
To: 'Google Ads API Forum Advisor Prod'
Subject: RE: Failed to refresh access token.

Thank you Xiaoming for your response. Yes the status was Testing and its now In 

From: Google Ads API Forum Advisor Prod []
Sent: Wednesday, April 28, 2021 3:02 PM
To: Frank Boateng
Subject: RE: Failed to refresh access token.

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Hi Frank,

Thank you for reaching out. 
Here<> are 
some common causes for the refresh token expiration. One of them is that “A 
Google Cloud Platform project with an OAuth consent screen configured for an 
external user type and a publishing status of "Testing" is issued a refresh 
token expiring in 7 days.” You could change the publishing status to production 
to avoid this issue.

Thanks and regards,
Xiaoming, Google Ads API Team

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Google Ads API Team

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