We had setup a report for region level campaign metrics. After migrating 
from v6 to v8, we are having troubles in fetching the data from the 
services mentioned in subject.
I want to fetch city names & country names from geoTargetConstant 
(Criterion ID). But in most of the documents, vice-versa is explained (for 

Explaining 2 step procedure to show the process I used to follow (kindly 
note, I am doing this in Python3) & therefore, the point of problem:

   1. Query to get the daily report data:
   SELECT campaign.id, campaign.name, campaign.status,
   segments.date, segments.day_of_week, segments.ad_network_type, 
   segments.device, metrics.clicks, metrics.impressions, metrics.cost_micros,
   metrics.conversions, metrics.conversions_value, metrics.ctr, 
   metrics.video_views, metrics.video_view_rate,
   segments.geo_target_city, geographic_view.country_criterion_id
   FROM geographic_view
   WHERE campaign.status in('ENABLED', 'PAUSED')
   AND segments.date BETWEEN '{start_dt}' AND '{end_dt}'
   2. segments.geo_target_city & geographic_view.country_criterion_id gives 
   out ids but not names. To fetch the names corresponding to these ids, I had 
   introduced this function:

*def get_city_and_country_names(google_source, ads_client):     df_orig = 
   pd.DataFrame(google_source)     #df_orig has data from the main report     
   df_orig['country_id'] = 'geoTargetConstants/' + 
   df_orig['country_id'].astype(str)     gtc_service = 
   ads_client.get_service("GeoTargetConstantService", version="v6")     
   location_names = 
       results = 
   cities = {}     countries = {}*

*    for suggestion in results.geo_target_constant_suggestions:         
   geo_target_constant = suggestion.geo_target_constant         
   cities[geo_target_constant.resource_name] = geo_target_constant.name*

*        for geo_target_constant_parents in 
   suggestion.geo_target_constant_parents:             if 
   geo_target_constant_parents.target_type == "Country":                 
   countries[geo_target_constant_parents.resource_name] = 
   geo_target_constant_parents.name     df_city = 
   pd.DataFrame(cities.items(),columns=['city_id', 'city'])     df_country = 
   pd.DataFrame(countries.items(),columns=['country_id', 'country'])     df = 
   df_orig.merge(df_city, how='left', on=['city_id']).merge(df_country, 
   how='left', on=['country_id'])     return df*
   But in v8, there are significant challenges.
   One is:
*error_code: geo_target_constant_suggestion_error: LOCATION_NAME_LIMIT 
   message: "At most 25 location names can be specified in a 
   SuggestGeoTargetConstants method."*
   So, you can't really execute the command to fetch city names all at 
   once, you will have to break df into 25 rows...
   Second is, when I execute the function to do the similar job (after 
   taking care of the location_name_limit error),  I get this error:
   *TypeError: suggest_geo_target_constants() got an unexpected keyword 
   argument 'geo_targets'*
   *Invalid constructor input for SuggestGeoTargetConstantsRequest: 
   geo_target_constants: "geoTargetConstants/1007740"*
   From this error, it looks like that the geoTargetConstants to Name data 
   can't be mapped anymore.
   Modified function I have been using:
*def chunker(seq, size):     return (seq[pos:pos + size] for pos in 
   range(0, len(seq), size))*

*def get_city_and_country_names(google_source, ads_client):     df_orig = 
   pd.DataFrame(google_source)     #df_orig has data from the main report     
   df_orig['country_id'] = 'geoTargetConstants/' + 
     cities = {}     countries = {}     i=0     for df_temp in 
   chunker(df_unique,24):         print(i)         gtc_service = 
   ads_client.get_service("GeoTargetConstantService", version="v8")         
   location_names = ads_client.get_type("SuggestGeoTargetConstantsRequest", 
       results = gtc_service.suggest_geo_target_constants(location_names)     
       for suggestion in results.geo_target_constant_suggestions:             
   geo_target_constant = suggestion.geo_target_constant             
   temp_cities = {}             temp_cities[geo_target_constant.resource_name] 
   = geo_target_constant.name             cities.update(temp_cities)           
     for geo_target_constant_parents in 
   suggestion.geo_target_constant_parents:                 if 
   geo_target_constant_parents.target_type == "Country":                     
   temp_countries = {}                     
   temp_countries[geo_target_constant_parents.resource_name] = 
   countries.update(temp_countries)         i=i+1     df_city = 
   pd.DataFrame(cities.items(),columns=['city_id', 'city'])     df_country = 
   pd.DataFrame(countries.items(),columns=['country_id', 'country'])     df = 
   df_orig.merge(df_city, how='left', on=['city_id']).merge(df_country, 
   how='left', on=['country_id'])     return df*
In simple terms, all I am trying to do is map the ids with the names 
present in this CSV: 

It used to work earlier. Can't see any change in these services in the 
migration docs, so kindly help....



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