Moving this from forum.

Hi Mark,
Thanks for the response.
We have enabled GoogleAds API in our existing GCP project. But when we run your 
demo code with our existing dev token, we are hitting errors. Can you help?

Can you please attach the Exception we get when we use the existing dev token?


From: <> on behalf of Google Ads API Forum Advisor 
Reply-To: "" <>
Date: Friday, July 16, 2021 at 12:06 AM
To: "" <>
Subject: EXT: Re: Google Adwords to Google Ads API Migration

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Hello John,

Thank you for getting back to us. I work with Peter and I'll be assisting you 
with this.

Please see our responses to your questions below:

  1.  If we want to move to GoogleAds API to manage the MCC account can we use 
the same dev token? Yes, you can still use the same developer token.
  2.  Does this migration need a GCP project to be created? If it is needed can 
this be separate from our other existing GCP projects? A GCP project is needed 
for this. You can refer to this 
 for more details. In addition to that, you can reuse your existing GCP 
project. You would then need to Enable the Google Ads API in your 

As an aside, we suggest that you read this migration 
 and the Carryover 
 to learn more about the new features and improvements when upgrading from the 
AdWords API<>.

[Image removed by sender. Google Logo]
Mark Kevin Albios
Google Ads API Team

[Image removed by sender.]

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