So in a sense you have to check if the campaign contains a feed "dynamic 
advertising in campaign settings." and if the campaign contains a feed it's 
a dynamic campaign? 

If this is true wouldn't this be a bit redundant. I'm using the Google Ads 
API now instead of the Adwords. And can't seem to find any other way than 
what you're suggesting.
The bad thing imo is that you have to chain fetches which makes the service 
very slow..

Op dinsdag 12 mei 2020 17:08:45 UTC+2 schreef Noud Adrichem:
> I'm trying to filter out all 'dynamic' campaigns while fetching all 
> display campaigns. 
> I can't seem to find any 'dynamic' related attributes/properties on the 
> Campaign entity (
> )
> I then tried to match feeds campaign IDs from CampaignFeedService to the 
> actual campaign IDs but this has 2 big down sides. 
>     1. For some reason when a campaign has a data feed it doesn't always 
> show up in the CampaignFeedService. Which makes this method very unreliable.
>     2. It needs 2 separate requests to the API and is therefore very slow. 
> (about 5 times slower than only using CampaignService) 
> I was hoping there is some sort of predicate filter to filter out dynamic 
> feeds but until now I did not find any...
> This is my selector:
> {
> fields: [
> 'Id',
> 'Name',
> 'Status',
> // 'Settings',
> // 'AdvertisingChannelType',
> // 'AdvertisingChannelSubType',
> // 'Labels',
> ],
> predicates: [
> {
> field: 'AdvertisingChannelType',
> operator: 'EQUALS',
> values: 'DISPLAY'
> },
> ]
> }

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