Thanks for the swift response Peter!

We don't really mind if only the single most relevant criteria is shown, 
but we do want that the API reports to match with the actual cost in the UI 

Since we aggregate at the lowest level possible (we thought this was 
possible at the Criteria level), what's the best course of action here?

One workaround we thought about was to get an Ad Group level performance 
report, substract all the Criteria level metrics from each Ad Group and 
create a new pseudo-Criteria in our internal reporting system with the 
difference. Would that capture all the missing metrics from the API?


On Thursday, 3 October 2019 00:43:17 UTC-3, adsapiforumadvisor wrote:
> Hi Ignacio,
> Unfortunately, discovery campaigns are not yet available in the AdWords 
> API's reports. You can refer to the AdvertisingChannelType 
> <>
> and AdvertisingChannelSubType 
> <>
> fields of the Campaign Performance Report to learn which campaign types are 
> currently supported. You may follow our blog 
> <> for any updates or announcements 
> related to this campaign type.
> Regarding the Criteria Performance Report, this is a single attribution 
> <>
> type and this means that, AdWords would return only the criteria it deems 
> most relevant for the impression. That being said, all criteria types are 
> not guaranteed to be returned by this report. I would recommend that you 
> use the other report types, listed here 
> <>, which 
> specialize on a specific criteria instead.
> As for the Adgroup Performance Report, regardless of what type of 
> campaign, this report would not be able to segment the data further by 
> criteria type as all statistics are aggregated at the ad group level. 
> Furthermore, could you confirm if you are indeed able to retrieve ad groups 
> that are associated to discovery campaigns? If yes, could you provide your 
> clientCustomerId and the complete Google Ads UI screenshot that you 
> compared the API report to, so I can further investigate?
> You may send the requested details using the *Reply privately to author* 
> option.
> Thanks and regards,
> Peter
> Google Ads API Team
> ref:_00D1U1174p._5001UKLv4I:ref

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