I'm tring to create a new account budget for a google-ads account  followed 
google-ads-api's guide 

from __future__ import absolute_import

import argparse
import sys
import os
import six

import google.ads.google_ads.client

os.environ['https_proxy'] = 'https_proxy'


credentials_dict_lb = {"token_uri": "https://oauth2.googleapis.com/token";, 
"token": None, "scopes": ["https://www.googleapis.com/auth/adwords";,

"https://www.googleapis.com/auth/userinfo.email";, "openid"],

 "client_id": "client_id", 

"refresh_token": "refresh_token", "client_secret": "client_secret"}

def main(client, customer_id, billing_setup_id):
    account_budget_proposal_service = client.get_service(
    billing_setup_service = client.get_service('BillingSetupService',

    account_budget_proposal_operation = client.get_type(
    proposal = account_budget_proposal_operation.create

    proposal.proposal_type = client.get_type(
    proposal.billing_setup.value = billing_setup_service.billing_setup_path(
        customer_id, billing_setup_id)
    proposal.proposed_name.value = 'Account Budget Proposal (example)'

    # Specify the account budget starts immediately
    proposal.proposed_start_time_type = client.get_type('TimeTypeEnum',
    # Alternatively you can specify a specific start time. Refer to the
    # AccountBudgetProposal resource documentation for allowed formats.
    # proposal.proposed_start_date_time = '2020-01-02 03:04:05'

    # Specify that the budget runs forever
    proposal.proposed_end_time_type = client.get_type('TimeTypeEnum',
    # Alternatively you can specify a specific end time. Allowed formats are as
    # above.
    # proposal.proposed_end_date_time = '2021-01-02 03:04:05'

    # Optional: set notes for the budget. These are free text and do not effect
    # budget delivery.
    # proposal.proposed_notes = client.wrapper
    #     .string('Received prepayment of $0.01')
    proposal.proposed_spending_limit_micros.value = 0

        account_budget_proposal_response = (
              customer_id, account_budget_proposal_operation))

    except google.ads.google_ads.errors.GoogleAdsException as ex:
        print('Request with ID "%s" failed with status "%s" and includes the '
              'following errors:' % (ex.request_id, ex.error.code().name))
        for error in ex.failure.errors:
            print('\tError with message "%s".' % error.message)
            if error.location:
                for field_path_element in error.location.field_path_elements:
                    print('\t\tOn field: %s' % field_path_element.field_name)

    print('Created account budget proposal "%s".'
          % account_budget_proposal_response.result.resource_name)

if __name__ == '__main__':
    # GoogleAdsClient will read the google-ads.yaml configuration file in the
    # home directory if none is specified.
    credentials = google.oauth2.credentials.Credentials(**credentials_dict_lb)
    client = google.ads.google_ads.client.GoogleAdsClient(credentials, 
GG_DEVELOP_TOKEN, login_customer_id='1871151278')

    parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(
        description='Creates an account budget proposal.')
    # The following argument(s) should be provided to run the example.
    parser.add_argument('-c', '--customer_id', type=six.text_type,
                        required=True, help='The Ads customer ID.')
    parser.add_argument('-b', '--billing_setup_id', type=six.text_type,
                        required=True, help='The billing setup ID.')
    args = parser.parse_args()

    main(client, args.customer_id, args.billing_setup_id)

but got error like below:

Request made: ClientCustomerId: 1135645950, Host: googleads.googleapis.com:
443, Method: /google.ads.googleads.v2.services.AccountBudgetProposalService/
MutateAccountBudgetProposal, RequestId: 7l0JJ7hBfVkKhAGlQjSSgQ, IsFault: 
True, FaultMessage: Cannot create a budget proposal that overlaps with an 
pending budget proposal or an approved budget.
Request with ID "7l0JJ7hBfVkKhAGlQjSSgQ" failed with status 
"INVALID_ARGUMENT" and includes the following errors:
        Error with message "Cannot create a budget proposal that overlaps 
with an pending budget proposal or an approved budget.".
                On field: operation

My biling setup as :

Billing setup with ID "billing_setup_id ", status "APPROVED", 
payments_account "customers/1135645950/paymentsAccounts/payments_account_id"
, payments_account_id "payments_account_id", payments_account_name 
"Bluefocus蓝瀚", payments_profile_id "payments_profile_id", 
payments_profile_name "BlueFocus International Limited", 
secondary_payments_profile_id "".

My account budget as :
Account budget "customers/1135645950/accountBudgets/account_budget_id ", 
with status "APPROVED", billing setup 
"customers/1135645950/billingSetups/billing_setup_id", amount served 0.00, 
total adjustments 0.00, approved spending limit "1.0" (proposed "1.0"), 
approved start time "value: "2019-09-12 18:46:53"
 " (proposed "value: "2019-09-12 18:46:47"
 "), approved end time "" (proposed "").

Why I cann't create a new account budget with exist billing setup above?

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