Hello Leor,

To get the KeywordPlanKeywordHistoricalMetrics via Google Ads API you can use 
the keyword_plan_service.GenerateHistoricalMetrics method for which you can use 
the code sample shown here and update the line 36 with 
generate_historical_metrics instead as shown below.

changed line 36:
response = keyword_plan_service.generate_historical_metrics(resource_name)

Below is my request and response for your reference:
[2019-07-02 14:58:11 - DEBUG] Request
Host: googleads.googleapis.com:443
Headers: {
"developer-token": "REDACTED",
"x-goog-api-client": "gl-python/3.6.5 grpc/1.21.1 gax/1.11.1 gapic/2.2.0"
Request: keyword_plan: "customers/8760527478/keywordPlans/77189290"

Headers: {
"content-disposition": "attachment",
"request-id": "DjGM6hKq5Vcd2eB_1xowdQ"
Response: metrics {
search_query {
value: "insektenschutz"
keyword_metrics {
avg_monthly_searches {
value: 50
competition: LOW

Please let me know if you have any further questions.

Sai Teja, Google Ads API Team

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