Is there any further information on this?  Is it being investigated?

On Monday, June 10, 2019 at 10:18:04 AM UTC-7, Jordan Liberman wrote:
> I have provided this in the private response, but it seems those aren't 
> coming through:
>             var req = new SearchGoogleAdsRequest()
>             {
>                 PageSize = 1000,
>                 Query = @"SELECT
>                              customer.descriptive_name,
>                    ,
>                    ,
>                    ,
>                    ,
>                              segments.device,
>                              metrics.average_cost,
>                              metrics.impressions,
>                              metrics.interactions,
>                              metrics.clicks,
>                              metrics.video_quartile_25_rate,
>                              metrics.video_quartile_50_rate,
>                              metrics.video_quartile_75_rate,
>                              metrics.video_quartile_100_rate,
>                              metrics.video_views,
>                              metrics.cost_micros
>                         FROM
>                             campaign
>                         WHERE
>                    BETWEEN '" + 
> startDate.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd") +
>                             "' AND '" + endDate.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd") + 
> @"' 
>                         LIMIT
>                             1000",
>                 CustomerId = customerId.ToString()
>             };
> Results:
> Impressions Clicks Date Video Views Device Customer Id Total Cost
> 448 0 2019-06-09 226 Desktop 6949070300 5833090
> 1434 4 2019-06-09 779 Mobile 6949070300 18612845
> 461 1 2019-06-09 271 Tablet 6949070300 5587193
> In the API, I see matching numbers for Mobile and Tablet, but Desktop in 
> this data is the sum of Desktop + TV in the UI.
> On Monday, June 10, 2019 at 9:40:11 AM UTC-7, adsapiforumadvisor wrote:
>> Hello Jordan,
>> Could you please include information that Dannison and I asked last time 
>> (e.g., request ID, GAQL that you used, etc)?
>> Best,
>> Thanet, Google Ads API Team
>> ref:_00D1U1174p._5001UAqzJE:ref

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