Hi Peter,

Thanks for getting back !

Sorry, I am still not fully clear on the same. 

1. You mention "*As for the reporting 
discusses more in detail how you can retrieve performance data.*"  I didn't 
quite get that. What are the extra details that we can achieve through 
reporting and not through querying ? Can you please provide an example to 
clarify that ?

2.  Can you please explain in simple terms "*What is exactly keyword_view?*"* , 
*a simple example perhaps that can explain what can be achieved only 
through keyword_view and not by running simply query ?

'SELECT campaign.id, campaign.name, ad_group.id, ad_group.name, '
             'ad_group_criterion.criterion_id, '
             'ad_group_criterion.keyword.text, '
             'ad_group_criterion.keyword.match_type, '
             'metrics.impressions, metrics.clicks, metrics.cost_micros '
             'FROM keyword_view WHERE segments.date DURING LAST_7_DAYS '
             'AND campaign.advertising_channel_type = \'SEARCH\' '
             'AND ad_group.status = \'ENABLED\' '
             'AND ad_group_criterion.status IN (\'ENABLED\', \'PAUSED\') '
             'ORDER BY metrics.impressions DESC '
             'LIMIT 50'

For example in the above documentation, can we write two queries :
1.  selecting campaign.name and id and metrics from campaign
2.  ad_group related things from ad_group 

Is keyword_view used when we have to extract all the information in one go 
?  Sorry but I need to understand when specifically keyword_view is used. 

As I said, if I add campaign_criterion or ad_group_ad.ad.id  to the 
"Select" clause it fails with exception given. Hence if I need to extract 
specific details provided for a campaign_criterion like .. for an Ad what 
was the radius it covered, ( which needs to be extracted from 
campaign_criterion) is it possible at all  ?

Thanks and Regards,
Vinutha Nayak

On Friday, 31 May 2019 14:08:11 UTC+5:30, adsapiforumadvisor wrote:
> Hi Vinutha,
> You may refer below for my answers to your questions :
> 1. The querying 
> <https://developers.google.com/google-ads/api/docs/query/overview> 
> section discusses the different ways you can retrieve information using the 
> Google Ads API. The language used for resource query and metrics query is 
> similar. The difference, as discussed in this section 
> <https://developers.google.com/google-ads/api/docs/query/overview#resources_and_metrics>,
> is that in metrics query, you choose to retrieve performance data along 
> with the resource data.
> As for the reporting 
> <https://developers.google.com/google-ads/api/docs/reporting/overview> 
> section, it discusses more in detail how you can retrieve performance data.
> 2. In the report fields, the documentation includes all the metrics and 
> segments that can be included in your query for that specific resource. 
> However, not all the fields listed there are compatible with each other. 
> You will have to access the documentation per metric/segment field to 
> confirm their compatibility.
> In the Keyword View 
> <https://developers.google.com/google-ads/api/docs/fields/keyword_view>, 
> you can see all the available fields that you can select from the 
> *Metrics* and *Segments* dropdowns. To determine a field's compatibility, 
> you can click on the said field (for example, metrics.average_cost 
> <https://developers.google.com/google-ads/api/docs/fields/metrics#metricsaverage_cost>)
> then you can check the *Selectable with* dropdown to see which other 
> metrics and segments you can select that field with.
> Thanks and regards,
> Peter
> Google Ads API Team
> ref:_00D1U1174p._5001UBfrfY:ref

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