 my customer has hased his phone number without the '+' sign, and other 
Advertising platforms do not require the '+' when uploading hashed phone 
numbers as long as the phone number is international format.

 Could you confirm that we can use the hashed phone without the '+' sign ? 

For privacy concerns, the phone number needs to be hashed using the SHA-256 
algorithm before being uploaded. In order to standardize results, convert 
each phone number to E164 format <https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/E.164> 
before hashing. This format represents a phone number as a number up to 
fifteen digits in length starting with a + sign (e.g. +12125650000, 

 I know the doc talks about the '+' but the E.164 format does not enforce 
it : 

As described in by the ITU, the E.164 general format must contain only 
digits split as follows : 

   - Country code (max 3 digits)
   - Subscriber number (max 12 digits)"

The '+' is usually provided.

Hash difference for : 
33653220436 => 
+33653220436 => 

In cas it's not possible this mean we need to keep to format for the hash 



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