
I'm doing to implementation for Google ads automation system through by Google 

My code is referenced to documents of Google Ads API. ( 

I have a two ideas for implementation it.

However, when I execution my code then I can seeing some problem (

So I wish your review and evaluation about it.

*1. common configurations.*

First, I made 'client ID' and 'client secret' from "Google API Console 
Credentials page.".

This values is *11111111111-aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa.apps.googleusercontent.com*
 (client ID) and *bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbb* (client secret).

Second, I finished to confirm and received the developer token from Google.

This value is "*cccccccccccccc_ddddd*".

Third, I sended to MCA (Multi-client account) request to Google for using my 
merchant center and I got approved it.

My client customer id for Google Ads API is *111-222-3333*.

*- preconditions for below two ideas.*

*Alice* : customer of this service (al...@google.com)

 : partner of Google (service.part...@google.com) <-- implemented code

*2. Idea 1*

First, creating Google Ads account to using Alice's refresh token.

So, Service 
called by grantOfflineAccess() from gapi.auth2.getAuthInstance() of javascript 
for got Alice's offline code.

Before at this time, Service called gapi.client.init().

"apiKey" property value is "*yyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy_zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz*
" in gapi.client.init() function.

And the after, Service thrown by Alice's offline code to background process.

- code -


*var* GoogleAuth;*var* SCOPE = 
https://www.googleapis.com/auth/adwords";*var* offlineCode;

gapi.client.init(*{*         'apiKey': 
        'clientId': '11111111111-aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa.apps.googleusercontent.com',
        "prompt" : "consent",
        'scope': SCOPE*}*).then(*function* () *{*
        GoogleAuth = gapi.auth2.getAuthInstance();

        $('#btnGoogleSignIn').click(*function*() *{*
*function* handleAuthClick()*{*

        if (GoogleAuth.isSignedIn.get())




                         "prompt" : "consent",
                        'scope': SCOPE
                *}*).then(*function*(resp) *{*
                        offlineCode = resp.code;



Second, background process was getting Alice's refresh token by below code.


$*oauth2* = new OAuth2([
        'authorizationUri' => "https://accounts.google.com/o/oauth2/v2/auth";,
        'redirectUri' => 'postmessage',
        'tokenCredentialUri' => CredentialsLoader::TOKEN_CREDENTIAL_URI,
        'clientId' => 
        'clientSecret' => "bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbb",
        'scope' => $*scopes*

$*oauth2*->setCode(/* Alice's offline code */);$*authToken* = 

Third, if successded getting Alice's refresh token then background process was 
trying create account of Google Ads by below code.

$*oAuth2Credential* = (new 
 Alice's refresh toekn */)->build();

$*session* = (new 
$*adWordsServices* = new AdWordsServices();
$*managedCustomerService* = $*adWordsServices*->get($*session*, 
ManagedCustomerService::class );
$*customer* = new ManagedCustomer();$*customer*->*setName*('Account #' . 
$*operations* = [];$*operation* = new 
$*operations*[] = $*operation*;$*customer* = 

However, I've got error.

Error message is "AuthorizationError.USER_PERMISSION_DENIED".

*This approach is to wrong??*

3. *Idea 2*

In obviously, I trying to using by refresh token of 
Service then upon process is success.

So, I thought, this process is can creating account not using Alice's refresh 
token, just using refresh token of 

If creating account is success then able to getting customer ID of creation 

And then 
Service is insert Database to that customer ID and Alice's unique information 
(E.g. Alice's ID of 
Service or email address or cellphone number or etc.,).

And the after, if Alice will be trying registration to Ad service then 
background process is registration to Ad service by account of 

Maybe that is correct.

I have a question about this idea.

Service don't need Alice's refresh token according to this idea.

*Why Alice is oAuth login to Google???*

best regards.

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