
For client-library-specific issues like this, your best bet is to file a 
bug against the appropriate GitHub issue 
tracker: https://github.com/googleads/google-api-ads-ruby/issues

Please feel free to file a bug there and we can follow up on GitHub.

Thanks for reporting this!

Mike, AdWords API Team

On Friday, November 9, 2018 at 6:32:12 AM UTC-5, gotcha82 wrote:
> Is this a bug using the Adwords API?
> My Ruby code to make the call and puts the output to the console 
> immediately:
> user_list_srv = adwords_api.service(:AdwordsUserListService, API_VERSION)
> user_lists = user_list_srv.get(:fields => FIELDS)[:entries]
> puts user_lists
> user_lists
> The response is this:
> {:id=>731210000, :is_read_only=>false, :name=>"All visitors (AdWords)", 
> :size=>0, :user_list_type=>"UserList"}
> 10:55:08 web.1        | {:id=>"731210002", :is_read_only=>"false", 
> :name=>"AdWords optimized list", :size=>"0", :list_type=>"LOGICAL", 
> :user_list_type=>"LogicalUserList", :xsi_type=>"ns2:LogicalUserList"}
> Notice for the first list, the :id and :size are Ints, with the 
> :is_read_only a boolean. For the second list, they are all string types. 
> (Note: I've changed the id values manually).
> What is going on here? 

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