
Could you please share the SOAP logs(request and response) of the operation 
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use reply privately to the author option while sharing the details 

Sai Teja, AdWords API Team.

On Friday, November 9, 2018 at 6:58:57 AM UTC-5, mubbashar husain wrote:
> Hi,
> I am confused about converting currency value to Adwords Money Object
> To convert USD into Money I am using this code
> $amount = round($newCpc * 1000000);
> $Money = new cm\Money(null, $amount);
> I have an account having currency in "Colombian Peso" COP
> According to documentation 
> https://developers.google.com/adwords/api/docs/appendix/codes-formats#currency-codes
> The minimum unit is 1000000 but when I multiply this and send API call I 
> got the error
> [trigger:protected] => The bid of 125.400000 must be a whole multiple of 
> 1.000000
>                     [errorString:protected] => 
>                     [ApiErrorType:protected] => BiddingErrors
> So can you please help me in getting the money value for any country. 
> Right now I am not able to convert it as this is very confusing.
> The table on the above link show 10000 for USD but here it says  One 
> million is equivalent to one unit
> [image: currency.png]

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    • Re: How to Con... 'Teja Makani' via AdWords API and Google Ads API Forum

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