Starting this morning, we get a lot of errors in our system because the 
value for the "device" attribute is empty in report responses under some 

The error occurs when we load a keyword- or product partition report 
segmented by "Device" with includeZeroImpressions set to true. The xml 
response contains, for example, the following lines:

<row campaignID="xx" keywordID="xy" adGroupID="xz" keyword="Fonduebesteck 
Set" matchType="Exact" impressions="0" clicks="0" avgPosition="0.0" avgCPC=
"0" maxCPC="300000" cost="0" device="Computers" conversions="0.00" 
<row campaignID="xx" keywordID="xy" adGroupID="xz" keyword="Fonduebesteck 
Set" matchType="Exact" impressions="0" clicks="0" avgPosition="0.0" avgCPC=
"0" maxCPC="300000" cost="0" device="Tablets with full browsers" conversions
="0.00" totalConvValue="0.00"/>
<row campaignID="xx" keywordID="xy" adGroupID="xz" keyword="Fonduebesteck 
Set" matchType="Exact" impressions="0" clicks="0" avgPosition="0.0" avgCPC=
"0" maxCPC="300000" cost="0" device="Mobile devices with full browsers" 
conversions="0.00" totalConvValue="0.00"/>
<row campaignID="xx" keywordID="xy" adGroupID="xz" keyword="Fonduebesteck 
Set" matchType="Exact" impressions="0" clicks="0" avgPosition="0.0" avgCPC=
"0" maxCPC="300000" cost="0" device="" conversions="0.00" totalConvValue=

In the last line, the value for "device" is an empty string. This is not a 
valid value according to the documentation 
The invalid value causes our system to fail loading the report because it 
does not expect empty strings for device.

We are not seeing this behavior for all accounts / campaigns in our system 
but for roughly 20%. 

>From the response, it looks like the last line corresponds to the "Other" 
device. Is this correct? In this case we could implement a quick-fix to 
bypass the problem until it has been solved.

Thanks for investigating,

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