Hi Milind,

Continuing on the following topic, assuming the following situations:

   - An AdWordsSession with a client customer id to manager account named 
   "A" is created.
   - A new client account named "B" is created via API using that 
   - The AdWordsSession changes the client customer id to account B's 
   client customer id
   - A new campaign named "C" is created via API using the changed 

I have recently made a call to the AdWords help center and asked a question 
about creating a client account without billing and have campaigns running 
in it. The answer I got is that the campaign within that account will not 

According to that answer, I have the following questions about the 
previously described situation:

   1. I would like to confirm that the client account creation method will 
   result in client account "B" to be a under manager account "A".
   2. Will campaign "C" run as normal and accumulates the cost of the 
   campaign everyday until it hits the daily budget?
      1. If the campaign actually runs, what will happen to the bill when 
      it hits the monthly billing cycle or the billing threshold as it does not 
      have billing information attached?
   3. Does this mean for any money used within client account "C" will be 
   billed towards manager account "A"? And who will be billed if manager 
   account "A" does not have a consolidated billing setup?
   4. Is the only way to set up billing in a client AdWords account via 
   Google AdWords dashboard console?
      1. If so and assuming the answer I got from the help center is 
      entirely correct, then can I conclude that it is not possible to create 
      AdWords client account via API that can actually run campaigns? 
   5. If the answer provided by the AdWords help center applies, does the 
   campaign's status change to  "Paused"? Or will it remain as "Enabled" but 
   the ads in the campaign will just not show as it does not have any billing 


On Tuesday, March 27, 2018 at 11:57:07 PM UTC+8, Milind Sankeshware 
(AdWords API Team) wrote:
> Hi Robin,
> The billing information wont effect on creation of campaign. You could set 
> the campaign status 
> <https://support.google.com/adwords/answer/2549115?hl=en&ref_topic=24937> 
> when 
> creating. Please refer the code sample to set campaign status here 
> <https://github.com/googleads/googleads-java-lib/blob/master/examples/adwords_axis/src/main/java/adwords/axis/v201802/basicoperations/AddCampaigns.java#L161>.
> Let me know if you have further questions.
> Thanks,
> Milind, AdWords API Team.

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