Hi Matt,

Your theory sounds right to me. Prior to v201710, the AdWords API prevented 
users from creating a shared set in a manager account because the AdWords 
API did not perform some additional internal steps required for 
manager-level sets. At that time, the workaround was to create the 
manager-level set in the UI, after which you could maintain the *contents* of 
the manager-level set (negative keywords) using the AdWords API without 
issues. Starting with v201710, the AdWords API was updated to perform those 
additional internal steps, hence the expected difference in behavior 
between v201708 and v201710.

I'm still waiting on a response on the validation change you mentioned. 
I'll let you know as soon as I get that.

Josh, AdWords API Team

On Monday, March 19, 2018 at 5:42:54 PM UTC-4, Matthew Wawrin wrote:
> Thanks Josh.  
> Likely I created the manager level negative keyword list in the UI, then 
> populated it through the API.  We started using the manager negative 
> keyword list in May 2017.   By the sounds of it we may not have been able 
> to create it through the API itself until 201710?  Once created and 
> populated we managed the contents of the list and create CampaignSharedSet 
> links when creating new campaigns.  Also sounds like support for shared 
> lists are expanding in the API rather than being reduced which is very 
> encouraging.  We will be making use of negative placements at the manager 
> level in the future I'm sure. 
> Cheeris,
> Matt.
> On Monday, March 19, 2018 at 3:43:30 PM UTC-5, Josh Radcliff (AdWords API 
> Team) wrote:
>> Hi Matt,
>> I'll definitely get back to you once I have more info on the change you 
>> mentioned. However, I'd recommend holding off on abandoning manager-level 
>> shared sets. In fact, the v201710 release added support for 
>> manager-level shared sets 
>> <https://developers.google.com/adwords/api/docs/reference/release-notes/v201710#shared_sets>,
>> so if you're already using them, I see no reason to change course.
>> Thanks,
>> Josh, AdWords API Team
>> On Monday, March 19, 2018 at 2:08:29 PM UTC-4, Matthew Wawrin wrote:
>>> Hi Josh, 
>>> Thank you for following up.  I look forward to hearing more details when 
>>> available.   I'm going to proceed with our API level update tomorrow and 
>>> get some code ready as a  contingency if we're no longer able to use the 
>>> MCC's neg. keyword shared set  for a managed customer account's 
>>> CampaignSharedSet.  We already maintain negative placements in each managed 
>>> customer account, so moving neg. keywords to this level won't be a huge 
>>> issue.  I liked being able to maintain these lists at the highest level and 
>>> reduce the duplication as much as possible.
>>> Cheers,
>>> Matt.
>>> On Monday, March 19, 2018 at 8:25:40 AM UTC-5, Josh Radcliff (AdWords 
>>> API Team) wrote:
>>>> Hi Matt,
>>>> You've uncovered a mystery! :) I just confirmed that the validation did 
>>>> indeed change recently, but I'm not sure why. I'm following up with the 
>>>> engineer who made the change and will get back to you. Thanks for catching 
>>>> this and reporting it to us!
>>>> Cheers,
>>>> Josh, AdWords API Team
>>>> On Friday, March 16, 2018 at 1:06:53 PM UTC-4, Matthew Wawrin wrote:
>>>>> Hi,
>>>>> I'm working through the validation of our code base (PHP) from 201705 
>>>>> to 201802, and I noticed a change in the 201708 migration guide regarding 
>>>>> the SharedSetService mutate regarding creating shared set of Negative 
>>>>> keywords in a manager account:
>>>>> From 
>>>>> https://developers.google.com/adwords/api/docs/guides/migration/v201708
>>>>> : 
>>>>> *Requests that attempt to create a shared set 
>>>>> of NEGATIVE_KEYWORDS type 
>>>>> <https://developers.google.com/adwords/api/docs/reference/latest/SharedSetService.SharedSet#type>
>>>>>  in 
>>>>> a manager account will now fail with a SharedSetError 
>>>>> <https://developers.google.com/adwords/api/docs/reference/latest/SharedSetService.SharedSetError>
>>>>> This change does not impact client  (non-manager) accounts.*
>>>>>  We manage a large number of sub-accounts under our manager, and all 
>>>>> campaigns in those sub-accounts use the same base negative keyword shared 
>>>>> in the manager account.   Currently there are > 19K campaigns linked to 
>>>>> the 
>>>>> manager level negative keyword list.  
>>>>> In both our production MCC and test manager account I'm still able to 
>>>>> create a Negative Keyword shared set using the 201802 API level which 
>>>>> contradicts the change in 201708.  In my test manager I'm able to create 
>>>>> a 
>>>>> campaign shared set association with the shared set that was created.
>>>>> I'd like to understand the impact of this change so I can properly 
>>>>> update our operations and code to the latest level.   Does the API 
>>>>> enforce 
>>>>> the change in 201708 in a way that I'm overlooking?  
>>>>> To be honest I haven't tried using the 201708 API level to see if the 
>>>>> behaviour changed after, but the subsequent migration logs don't appear 
>>>>> to 
>>>>> call out this change.
>>>>> Unrelated to the API, Are manager level negative keywords being phased 
>>>>> out in general (not limited to the API) and we should migrate to the 
>>>>> client 
>>>>> customer accounts.  I can follow up on the Adwords users forum for this 
>>>>> question but I suspect the API would have to reflect this too.
>>>>> I plan to push the code to move up early next week, giving me a week 
>>>>> or so until the switch over to handle any issues.
>>>>> Thank you,
>>>>> Matt.

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