Hi there,

I am interested in applying many shared sets (negative keyword lists) 
across many client accounts under one larger manager account.

I know that if I were to build and attach individual shared sets across 
each client account, each client account would have a limit of:

   - 20 shared sets per account
   - Each shared set max of 5000 negative keywords
   - Each Search campaign can accept a maximum of 10,000 negative keywords
   - Each display campaign can accept a maximum of 5000 negative keywords.

Let us say that I have 20 shared sets, each with 1500 negative keywords, 
that I want to apply to all campaigns. If I build these at the *manager 
account level* and attach them to all accounts under this manager account, 
will I face the same/similar restrictions to the ones I described above? 

I know that any negative list shared from a manager account does not count 
towards the 20 shared sets applied to each client account.


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