I am trying to use TargetingIdeaService api but the results that it returns 
are very different from those of Keyword Tool UI. 
Below I attach the class .cs that I have implemented from the examples, a 
capture of the results, and another of the results of the Keyword Tool UI.
The difference is very big, especially in AttributeType.SEARCH_VOLUME.
At all times I am trying to use the same parameters in the API and in the 
Keyword Tool UI.

Does anyone have any idea what may be happening or what I may be doing 
Thank you very much

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using Google.Api.Ads.AdWords.Lib;
using Google.Api.Ads.AdWords.v201710;
using Google.Api.Ads.AdWords;
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
using Newtonsoft.Json;

namespace Dayvo.SEO.Keys.ReglasNegocio.Apis {

    public class Adwords {  
        public IEnumerable<Modelos.TerminoAdwordsModel> Run() {
            AdWordsUser user = new AdWordsUser();

            RelatedToQuerySearchParameter relatedToQuerySearchParameter = new RelatedToQuerySearchParameter() {
                queries = new string[] { "cecina de leon", "comprar cecina", "embutido online" },

            List<SearchParameter> searchParameters = new List<SearchParameter>();

            Location location = new Location();
            location.id = 2724;    // 2724 = españa
            LocationSearchParameter locationParameter = new LocationSearchParameter() {
                locations = new Location[] { location }

            Language languaje = new Language();
            languaje.id = 1003;    // 1003 = español
            LanguageSearchParameter languageParameter = new LanguageSearchParameter() {
                languages = new Language[] { languaje }

            NetworkSearchParameter networkSearchParameter = new NetworkSearchParameter() {
                networkSetting = new NetworkSetting() {
                    targetGoogleSearch = true,
                    targetSearchNetwork = false,
                    targetContentNetwork = false,
                    targetPartnerSearchNetwork = false,

            using (TargetingIdeaService targetingIdeaService = (TargetingIdeaService)user.GetService(AdWordsService.v201710.TargetingIdeaService)) {

                // Create selector.
                TargetingIdeaSelector selector = new TargetingIdeaSelector() {
                    localeCode = "es_ES",
                    currencyCode = "EUR",
                    paging = Paging.Default,
                    requestType = RequestType.STATS,
                    ideaType = IdeaType.KEYWORD,
                    requestedAttributeTypes =
                    new AttributeType[] {
                    searchParameters = searchParameters.ToArray()

                TargetingIdeaPage page = new TargetingIdeaPage();
                List<Modelos.TerminoAdwordsModel> salida = new List<Modelos.TerminoAdwordsModel>();
                do {
                    try {
                        page = targetingIdeaService.get(selector);
                    catch (Exception ex) { throw ex; }

                    if (page.entries != null && page.entries.Length > 0) {
                        foreach (TargetingIdea targetingIdea in page.entries) {
                            try {
                                Dictionary<AttributeType, Google.Api.Ads.AdWords.v201710.Attribute> ideas = targetingIdea.data.ToDict();

                                // nombre del termino 
                                string termino = (ideas[AttributeType.KEYWORD_TEXT] as StringAttribute).value;
                                // volumen mensual estimado
                                long volumenBusquedas = (ideas[AttributeType.SEARCH_VOLUME] as LongAttribute).value;

                                // coste por click estimado
                                Money cpc = (ideas[AttributeType.AVERAGE_CPC] as MoneyAttribute).value;

                                // competencia
                                double competencia = (ideas[AttributeType.COMPETITION] as DoubleAttribute).value;

                                // volumen anual (doce meses anteriores)
                                MonthlySearchVolumeAttribute volumenAnual = (ideas[AttributeType.TARGETED_MONTHLY_SEARCHES] as MonthlySearchVolumeAttribute);
                                var volumenAnualJson = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(volumenAnual);
                                Console.WriteLine(string.Format("Keyword:\"{0}\"\n\nSEARCH_VOLUME: {1}\nCPC: {2}\nCOMPETITION: {3}\n", termino, volumenBusquedas, (decimal)cpc.microAmount, competencia));
                            catch { }
                } while (selector.paging.startIndex < page.totalNumEntries);

                return salida;

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