
The tests that were previously failing are now passing and the 
fieldpathelements of the error objects are as we would expect.

Thank you very much for your help,

On Tuesday, May 16, 2017 at 7:54:02 PM UTC-4, Josh Radcliff (AdWords API 
Team) wrote:
> Hi Christian,
> The fix for this issue is now in place. Could you retry your batch jobs 
> and let me know if you still see either issue?
> Thanks,
> Josh, AdWords API Team
> On Monday, May 15, 2017 at 8:07:46 PM UTC-4, Josh Radcliff (AdWords API 
> Team) wrote:
>> Hi Christian,
>> Thanks for sending over the batch job ID. After taking a closer look at 
>> the operations and results for that job, I suspect that this *is* related 
>> to the same issue you raised earlier after all. I suggest we wait for the 
>> fix for that one (should be soon), then see if that resolves both problems.
>> Cheers,
>> Josh, AdWords API Team
>> On Monday, May 15, 2017 at 8:10:24 AM UTC-4, Josh Radcliff (AdWords API 
>> Team) wrote:
>>> Hi Christian,
>>> That looks like it may be a separate issue. Could you send me the batch 
>>> job ID for the job you mentioned below so I can confirm?
>>> Thanks,
>>> Josh, AdWords API Team
>>> On Saturday, May 13, 2017 at 4:52:54 PM UTC-4, Christian wrote:
>>>> Hi,
>>>> we also started to see strange error responses in the BatchJobService. 
>>>> We use the googleads Python library. Here is an example error:
>>>> {
>>>>   u'errorString': u'EntityNotFound.INVALID_ID',
>>>>   u'fieldPath': u'operations[18342].operand.criterion',
>>>>   u'reason': u'INVALID_ID',
>>>>   u'trigger': u'No existing bid modifier for AdGroupId: 12345 
>>>> CriterionId{id=30002}',
>>>>   u'ApiError.Type': u'EntityNotFound',
>>>>   u'fieldPathElements': [
>>>>     {u'field': u'operations', u'index': u'1'},
>>>>     {u'field': u'operations', u'index': u'10'},
>>>>     {u'field': u'operand'},
>>>>     {u'field': u'criterion'}
>>>>   ]
>>>> }
>>>> Three things are problematic here:
>>>> - There are 2 indexes for operations in *fieldPathElements* (1 and 10).
>>>> - These indexes do not match the index in *fieldPath* (18342)
>>>> - The ad group and criterion ID mentioned in *trigger* do not match 
>>>> the IDs of the original operations in the batch job at that index.
>>>> Is this a related problem or an entirely different issue?
>>>> Best,
>>>> Christian
>>>> On Monday, May 8, 2017 at 7:52:21 PM UTC+2, Josh Radcliff (AdWords API 
>>>> Team) wrote:
>>>>> Hi Phil,
>>>>> We're actively working on a fix for this. I'll update this post as 
>>>>> soon as it's in place.
>>>>> Thanks,
>>>>> Josh, AdWords API Team
>>>>> On Monday, May 8, 2017 at 10:14:52 AM UTC-4, Phillip Pegelow wrote:
>>>>>> Any update on this?
>>>>>> Thanks,
>>>>>> Phil
>>>>>> On Thursday, May 4, 2017 at 3:53:58 PM UTC-4, Josh Radcliff (AdWords 
>>>>>> API Team) wrote:
>>>>>>> Hi,
>>>>>>> Thanks for confirming. I tried this out as well and confirmed that 
>>>>>>> there is an extra *fieldPathElement* in errors from 
>>>>>>> *BatchJobService*, but not in errors from the synchronous services. 
>>>>>>> I've asked the batch job team to investigate and will post back here as 
>>>>>>> soon as I have an update from them.
>>>>>>> Thanks,
>>>>>>> Josh, AdWords API Team
>>>>>>> On Thursday, May 4, 2017 at 10:05:00 AM UTC-4, Phillip Pegelow wrote:
>>>>>>>> Thank you for the reply, Josh,
>>>>>>>> Yes, this does appear to be unique to the BatchJobService. I have 
>>>>>>>> not experienced this behavior elsewhere.
>>>>>>>> On Wednesday, May 3, 2017 at 5:50:18 PM UTC-4, Josh Radcliff 
>>>>>>>> (AdWords API Team) wrote:
>>>>>>>>> Hi,
>>>>>>>>> Are you only seeing this issue with specific services, or only 
>>>>>>>>> when using BatchJobService 
>>>>>>>>> <>?
>>>>>>>>> I ask because I just ran a few tests with AdGroupCriterionService 
>>>>>>>>> <>
>>>>>>>>>  and AdGroupService 
>>>>>>>>> <>,
>>>>>>>>> and the *fieldPathElements* were returned as expected (e.g., the 
>>>>>>>>> first element's index reflected the proper value).
>>>>>>>>> Thanks,
>>>>>>>>> Josh, AdWords API Team
>>>>>>>>> On Wednesday, May 3, 2017 at 2:07:20 PM UTC-4, Phillip Pegelow 
>>>>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>> The newest Perl library, v4.13.0 v201702, introduced the 
>>>>>>>>>> "fieldPathElements" field of ApiError.  In testing prior to this 
>>>>>>>>>> upgrade, I 
>>>>>>>>>> have noticed that the first fieldPathElements.operations index is 
>>>>>>>>>> always 0 
>>>>>>>>>> and the second fieldPathElements.operations index is the expected 
>>>>>>>>>> index of 
>>>>>>>>>> the failed job's error.
>>>>>>>>>> Dumped ApiError.EntityNotFound xml object: 
>>>>>>>>>> <fieldPath>operations[20].operand.campaignId</fieldPath>
>>>>>>>>>> <fieldPathElements>
>>>>>>>>>>   <field>operations</field>
>>>>>>>>>>     <index>0</index>
>>>>>>>>>> </fieldPathElements>
>>>>>>>>>> <fieldPathElements>
>>>>>>>>>>   <field>operations</field>
>>>>>>>>>>   <index>20</index>
>>>>>>>>>> </fieldPathElements>
>>>>>>>>>> <fieldPathElements>
>>>>>>>>>>   <field>operand</field>
>>>>>>>>>> </fieldPathElements>
>>>>>>>>>> <fieldPathElements>
>>>>>>>>>>   <field>campaignId</field>
>>>>>>>>>> </fieldPathElements>
>>>>>>>>>> <trigger>CampaignId: 111222333</trigger>
>>>>>>>>>> <errorString>EntityNotFound.INVALID_ID</errorString>
>>>>>>>>>> <ApiError.Type>EntityNotFound</ApiError.Type>
>>>>>>>>>> <reason>INVALID_ID</reason>
>>>>>>>>>> Is this behavior expected or is this a bug?  If it is expected, 
>>>>>>>>>> should we always handle these errors by parsing the second 
>>>>>>>>>> "operations" 
>>>>>>>>>> attribute?
>>>>>>>>>> We can also handle this appropriately by just parsing index from 
>>>>>>>>>> the fieldPath string, but according to the release notes (
>>>>>>>>>> we should be using the fieldPathElements instead.

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