Hi Sreelakshmi,

> The BaseAdGroupId will have the AdGroupId of the base AdGroup if it is 
trial and if it is a base AdGroup, 
> it will have the same value for the AdGroupId and the BaseAdGroupId. 
> In your report, there are three AdGroups which are having BaseAdGroupId 
as 0 and all of them are trial AdGroups. 
> I could see that all three of these AdGroups were created after the draft 
was created and one day prior to the experiment ending. 
> That said, these trial AdGroups are not created from a base AdGroup from 
the original campaign and hence they do not have a BaseAdGroupId. 
> They cannot show same value for BaseAdGroupId and AdGroupId since they 
are not BaseAdGroups but they are trials instead. 

thanks for the explanation. 
It would be nice, if this explanation makes it into the report docs of 
"Base Ad group ID".
One last question: Why is the id 0 instead of "--"? Are not set ids always 
0 instead of "--" or just in this case?


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