Thanks Vishal,
But perhaps my question was not clear enough. 
I already know the way you told us. However, according to the example you 
gave, all gender and ages are automatically selected as an adgroup. But 
what I would like to do is to select only specific ages and gender for 
demographic targeting. Please note that I am also aware of how to add 
demographicTargeting after the adgroup id has been generated. So I would 
like to know how to set these specific demographic targeting before adgroup 
id gets generated

2017년 2월 14일 화요일 오전 4시 1분 5초 UTC+9, Vishal Vinayak (Adwords API Team) 님의 말:
> Hi,
> There are various targeting types 
> <> 
> available 
> in AdWords API. This example 
> <>
>  in 
> Java shows how to add placements and verticals to an ad group during 
> creation. Same example is available in other client libraries 
> <> as well. 
> Please revert if you have other questions. 
> Regards,
> Vishal, AdWords API Team

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