Hi Vishal and thank you for your answer.

The problem is base code and language id is correct. The problem is a 
little bit interesting let me explain if I can, and will send you logs if 
able to get them. I am using TargetingIdeaService stats not ideas...

If you select a Turkish word and make the language id 1037 it returns with 
NULL values but if you disable language selector it returns 0 as values. 
There are several thing I've mentioned like if the word is homonymous with 
another language word it fails... Why should I select the right language 
for word to make it work properly, it can just return 0 if there are no 
results. I can give samples like this as: "bol", "cep", "nice (not the 
English one :P)", etc.

Thank you for your time.

7 Şubat 2017 Salı 17:20:59 UTC+3 tarihinde Mustafa yazdı:
> Hi, this is the very first question on this forum, sorry for any 
> mistakes...
> I am working with Google Adwords API 201609 for a while and after 
> finishing the basic coding tries Language() selector to identify language 
> specific results. But if I choose a language and there are no results for 
> keyword, its not returning 0 as result. Instead it fails and results become 
> NULL. If I try the same keyword without a language selector it gives me 
> zeros as results. Could you please tell me what is going wrong on this code?
>             $languageParameter = new LanguageSearchParameter();
>             $languageSet = new Language();
>             $languageSet->setId(1000);
>             $languageParameter->setLanguages([$languageSet]);
>             $searchParameters[] = $languageParameter;
> Are there any rules that I don't know to set language for keywords with no 
> results?
> Thanks in advance...

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