Hi all,

I'm using the following function in a Test Account to change Keyword 
labels. The problem is it randomly changes the labels, sometimes it will 
process just a few of my requests, sometimes half, sometimes none, there's 
really no coherent pattern to it. No errors are thrown.

In the example I'm using, the mysql query will return a total of 96 
keywords that need label changes. Each keyword has 3 labels, so that's 96 * 
3, plus each keyword already has 3 labels that need to be removed first, so 
that's a total of (96*3) * 2 (one REMOVE operation and one ADD operation). 
A total of 576 operations. It doesn't seem to make a difference if I send 
them all, or just 50, or just 10 at a time, the results are always 
inconsistent and the labels are NEVER all changes, only a few get 
processed. (and which ones seems to be quite random). 

In this example I'm limiting my request to just below 2000 operations (as 
suggested by the batch request documentation), although the total sent is 
never that much.

function bulkCommitKeywordLabels($user, $accountName, $lType){
    $conn = conn();
    $q = mysqli_query($conn,"select 
`id`,`keywordId`,`adgroupId`,`oldLabelId`,`newLabelId` from 
`cronJobLabelUpdate` where `accountName` = '$accountName'  and `labelType` 
= '$lType' and `outcome` = 'WAITING'");
    $criterionService = $user->GetService('AdGroupCriterionService', 
    $operations = array();
    $requestLimit = 0;
    $cnt = 0;
    while($r = mysqli_fetch_assoc($q)){
        if(trim($r['keywordId']) != '' && trim($r['adgroupId']) != ''){
            $id = $r['id'];
            // Label to be removed
            $op1data = new AdGroupCriterionLabel($r['adgroupId'],$r[
            $op1 = new AdGroupCriterionLabelOperation();
            $op1->operand = $op1data;
            $op1->operator = 'REMOVE';
            $operations[] = $op1;
            // Label to be added
            $op2data = new AdGroupCriterionLabel($r['adgroupId'],$r[
            $op2 = new AdGroupCriterionLabelOperation();
            $op2->operand = $op2data;
            $op2->operator = 'ADD';
            $operations[] = $op2;
            mysqli_query($conn,"update `cronJobLabelUpdate` set `outcome` = 
'SENT' where `id` = '$id' limit 1");
            echo '<br>Invalid KeywordId... Maybe?<br>';
        if($requestLimit >= 999){ // this is actually double since there's 
always a REMOVE and an ADD operation for each keywordID
            // commit changes, clear variables
                $result = $criterionService->mutateLabel($operations);
                if($result->partialFailureErrors != NULL){
                    echo '<br>Count: '.$cnt.'<br>';
            }catch(Exception $e){
                echo '<br>Error on Function (bulkCommitKeywordLabels)' . $e
->getMessage() .' count: '.$cnt;
                echo '<br>TERMINATING';
            $operations = array();
            $requestLimit = 0;

Thanks for your help,

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