The documentation is slightly cryptic when it comes to this field and there 
are no examples available anywhere. I've used the MediaService to upload an 
image to AdWords, I got a mediaId  back, I now want to "bind it" to an ad. 
With a text ad I used to send the following ADD operation:

    'operator': 'ADD',
    'operand': {
        'xsi_type': 'AdGroupAd',
        'adGroupId': arg['adgroup_id'],
        'ad': {
            'xsi_type': 'TextAd',
            'finalUrls': [arg['final_url']],
            'displayUrl': arg['display_url'],
            'description1': arg['description1'],
            'description2': arg['description2'],
            'headline': arg['headline']
        'status': 'ENABLED'

What do I send if I want to use the uploaded image with an ad? Specifically 
the "Image" field is a bit uncertain.

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  • What should I s... Farid el Nasire
    • Re: What s... 'Shwetha Vastrad (AdWords API Team)' via AdWords API Forum

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