Unfortunately I'm not allowed to publish neither the adgroupid nor the id 
in a public forum, I'm sorry... However I've even tried to use 
DownloadReportAsStream function, using different download formats, and the 
result is the same:
I can see keywords like:
"+aaa +bbb"   (and KeywordMatchType is 'Broad' in these cases)
aaa bbb   (and KeywordMatchType is 'Broad', 'Exact' or 'Phrase' in these 

but no trace of
[aaa bbb]
while I've checked it exists, and it's downloaded simpy as aaa bbb  .

This time I've connected to my account by simply using 
the download_criteria_report_as_stream.py file contained in Python API 
examples directory, therefore I'm pretty sure I've used your "default" 
Thanks again!

Il giorno venerdì 9 settembre 2016 15:47:20 UTC+2, Josh Radcliff (AdWords 
API Team) ha scritto:
> Hi,
> Could you share the *AdGroupId* and (criterion) Id 
> <https://developers.google.com/adwords/api/docs/appendix/reports/keywords-performance-report#id>
>  where 
> you are seeing this issue? I'd like to try to reproduce your exact report 
> output on my side.
> Thanks,
> Josh, AdWords API Team
> On Friday, September 9, 2016 at 6:37:30 AM UTC-4, Pippo wrote:
>> I use the Keywords Performance Report and the following code
>>         ... 
>>         report_downloader = self.adwords_client.GetReportDownloader(
>> version='v201607')
>>         report = {
>>             'reportName': 'KEYWORDS_PERFORMANCE_REPORT',
>>             'dateRangeType': self.dateRangeType,  # set as today in my 
>> code
>>             'reportType': 'KEYWORDS_PERFORMANCE_REPORT',
>>             'downloadFormat': 'TSV',
>>             'selector': {
>>                 'fields': ['Date', 'Id', 'Criteria', 'KeywordMatchType', 
>> 'AdGroupId', 'AdGroupName', 'CampaignId', 'CampaignName', 'AverageCpc', 
>> 'AveragePosition', 'Impressions', 'Clicks','Conversions', 
>> 'ConversionRate', 'Ctr', 'AverageTimeOnSite', 'BounceRate', 'Cost', 
>> 'CostPerConversion', 'QualityScore'],
>>             }
>>         }
>>         result = report_downloader.DownloadReportAsString(
>>             report, skip_column_header=True, skip_report_header=True,
>>  skip_report_summary=True)
>>         return result
>> and in the result list it returns aaa bbb when on adwords web page 
>> appears as [aaa bbb] .
>> Are there maybe some options which remove brackets from report download?
>> Thanks again!
>> Il giorno venerdì 9 settembre 2016 11:20:48 UTC+2, Joyce Lava ha scritto:
>>> Hello,
>>> Please feel free to ask your concerns about AdWords API and we're very 
>>> much happy to assist you.
>>> Regarding your question above, I am not totally sure on what report type 
>>> you tried to download that for the keyword = [aaa bbb], it was 
>>> downloaded as aaa bbb. I tried to download Keywords Performance Report 
>>> <https://developers.google.com/adwords/api/docs/appendix/reports/keywords-performance-report>
>>>  with 
>>> my test account using Java client library and the keyword that has square 
>>> brackets [] were downloaded as it is. Could you please provide the report 
>>> type where you see this behavior and I'll try that in Java client library 
>>> to see if this is specific to Python client library?
>>> Also, for keyword that begins with plus sign (+), they are returned in 
>>> the CSV reports as double quoted to avoid treating them as formula. The 
>>> same thing applies for text that begins with minus sign (-). 
>>> Thanks,
>>> Joyce, AdWords API Team

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