Hi All,
I am new to this Adwords API forum.So sorry for asking the same question.I 
tried searching, but didn't got any clear answer.

My question

1) How do I get KeyWords Performance Report hourly ?
I see there are options like TODAY, YESTERDAY, LAST_7_DAYS etc under 

2) There are many fileds in KeyWords Performance Report.Is it possible to 
capture all the fields in one report ?As I see some fields are non 
compatible to each other.
What should be the approach to be taken if I want to analyze all the fields 

For example when I try to give all the fields in 

'fields': ['CampaignId', 'AdGroupId', 'Id', 'CriteriaType',
                     'Criteria', 'FinalUrls', 'Impressions', 'Clicks', 'Cost']

I get errors like Cannot select a combination.

Thanks in advance,


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